7 Tips to Find the Right Fitness Trainer

When you’re in the middle of your workout routine, exhausted and ready to call it a day, you’ve probably thought to yourself: I wish I had a fitness trainer. You probably want someone to motivate you to finish that set and congratulate you after a hard day’s work. While there are some pros and cons, finding the right fitness trainer can get you into high gear.
The Pros of Having a Fitness Trainer
There are a lot of benefits to having a fitness trainer. Creating a workout program and teaching you proper exercise techniques are the main parts of the job, but it’s just the beginning. Your fitness trainer will be your biggest cheerleader—encouraging you to finish that last lap and make time for that Friday night workout. They give you feedback on your progress. They can also offer nutritional advice and information on the latest workout gear.
The Cons of Having a Fitness Trainer
One of the biggest deterrents for people is cost. A fitness trainer can charge anywhere between $50 to hundreds of dollars per hour. If you don’t have the extra cash or if exercise isn’t a necessity for your job (i.e. professional athlete, model, actor, etc.), a personal trainer may be an added expense. Plus, the search can be rather difficult and trainer expertise varies. Finding the right fitness trainer that meshes with your personality and needs is like finding the right doctor, or even hairstylist.
7 Tips for Finding the Right Fitness Trainer
If you’re thinking about finding the right fitness trainer, consider these tips before you start your search.
- Plan your budget. Look at your budget and see how much you can afford to spend on a trainer. Whether it’s an hour a week or every day, the expert guidance could be beneficial.
- Write down your fitness goals. Ask yourself what you need a trainer for. Do you have a goal weight you’d like to reach? Are you training for a marathon? These things are important to share with your trainer.
- Write down your health problems. Make a list of any health concerns you’d like to share with the fitness trainer. Do you have a tricky knee you have to be mindful of? Do you suffer from asthma or shortness of breath? This is information a trainer should know.
- Know the type of trainer that fits you best. To get the right fitness trainer, you’ve got to know what type of motivation you respond to. Do you need a drill sergeant or cheerleader? Or maybe something in-between? Reflect before you start your search.
- Ask around. Some fitness trainers leave business cards at gyms or have websites advertising their services, but you can also find one by getting a referral from a trusted friend or colleague.
- Check references. When you’re in the interviewing process, be sure to ask for references. Just like Yelp or Google Reviews, knowing what other clients liked and didn’t like about the trainer’s services can give you a lot of insight.
- Don’t be afraid to shop around. The first trainer you meet may not be right for you. Don’t be afraid to keep looking until you find a perfect fit.