Boost Your Energy Levels

You’re feeling sluggish and the day has just begun. You say to yourself: I need energy! What do you do? Most Americans will start pouring a second, maybe third, cup of coffee or reach for an energy drink/shot. However, there are healthier options to consider.
Coffee is one of America’s most beloved beverages and sales of energy shots have surged in recent years ($544 million in 2008). Both contain high levels of caffeine and it’s not unusual for us to intake more caffeine than our bodies can handle. The side effects can be dangerous including sleep insomnia, nausea, vomiting, rapid heartbeats, and high blood pressure.
If you’re looking for natural energy boosters, take a look at the suggestions listed below. They’re your “I need energy” solutions.
Energy Foods
Eating healthy snacks can refresh you. And there are certain foods that give you energy. Apples, with their vitamin C and antioxidants, is one great example. When you’re dehydrated your body loses energy, so drink water for a quick pick-me-up. Yogurt is a great snack that’ll give you energy and keep you full. Nuts like almonds, walnuts, and peanuts are energy foods. They are like protein-packed, energy capsules.
Physical exercise will help trim your waist and wake up your brain. Consider doing pushups or jumping jacks in your office. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Cycle to work instead of driving. Do some stretches to encourage blood circulation. Walk outside, in the sunshine, so necessary nutrients (vitamin D) can be absorbed from the sun through your skin.
Aromatherapy for Energy
If you’re looking to freshen up your home or office and reenergize, consider aromatherapy. Scents such as peppermint, jasmine, and citrus (lemon, orange, grapefruit, etc…) are said to be energizing. Want to use aromatherapy for energy and de-stressing? Consider lighting candles, buying incense, or keep the scented oils in your bag or your car.
Rejuvenating Techniques
If you’re looking for quick techniques to rejuvenate yourself consider a five-minute meditation. Slouching can restrict your breathing, so straightening your posture can help you feel alert. Cold water splashed on your face can also be refreshing.
If you’re looking for another way to reenergize yourself consider a brain teaser. Puzzles can be a great distraction from work and can awake your brain. Fresh flowers will not only brighten any room, they can also have a calming effect on you. Music can also lift your spirits and keep you motivated for the rest of the day.