Career Resolutions for the New Year

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Career Resolutions for the New Year

Having a hard time staying motivated at work? Feeling frustrated with the pace of your career? Maybe you should try posting a list of encouraging career resolutions around your office to keep you inspired and happier in 2020.

Here are some mindful suggestions to help with your new year career resolutions :

  1. Micro milestones. Setting goals keeps you motivated, but listing big objectives can be overwhelming. Instead, set numerous smaller goals that can help you achieve the bigger one like “get promotion” or “impress boss,” instead of “become CFO.”
  2. “Just in case” plans. No matter how secure you think your job is it’s always better to have a backup plan. Save money for a rainy day. Conduct random job searches to see what opportunities are out there.
  3. Revive your resume. Resumes are a career necessity. Update yours with your most recent accomplishments. Get rid of your out-of-date information. Consider getting your resume critiqued.
  4. Network nonstop. Connections are invaluable. Online resources like LinkedIn can help, but you can go a step beyond that. Forbes experts suggest attending seminars, conferences, and events throughout the year to make new contacts.
  5. Find a mentor. Having a mentor is like having a guardian angel. They can offer career advice based on their experience and knowledge. If you don’t have a mentor, consider finding one.
  6. Take that lunch break. We all need a break every once in a while, but so many Americans have a habit of working through lunch. Instead, relax and enjoy a nutritious meal. It’ll make you feel better.
  7. Be honest. Honesty is always the best policy. So if you’re swamped at your job ask for help or have a discussion with your boss.
  8. Stay current. Stay ahead of the curve by keeping up with the latest news. Forbes suggests reading blogs and articles that cover your industry. You never know who you might impress with your knowledge.
  9. One lesson every day. Your job isn’t just a way to earn money; it’s an opportunity for you to grow. Use the experience to enrich your life by learning a new lesson every day.


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