Category: _________________Home Articles 2020

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Which Type Of Yoga is Right For You

If you’re having a hard time squeezing exercise into your daily routine, yoga may the answer. It’s relaxing and it can be done practically anywhere—at home, outdoors, at a studio, or in your office. It’s also good for you. It strengthens your muscles, tones your body and ease aches and insomnia. If you’re ready to…
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Tea Helps with Aging

Nothing warms your body and your soul like a warm cup of tea on a winter morning. Drinking hot tea can positively impact your health and since January is Hot Tea Month, it’s time that we embrace tea’s delicious anti-aging properties. History of Tea People have been drinking hot tea since 2700 B.C. It began…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Work, Work,

10 Tips for a Mindful Workspace

A Mindful boss is only one part of a productive, innovative work environment. Creating a mindful workspace can benefit both employer and employees. Many Americans aren’t satisfied with their jobs. So what causes job dissatisfaction? An Accenture global study states factors like underpay, lack of advancement opportunities and feeling trapped contribute to job dissatisfaction. An…
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Clutter Clearing For the Soul

Have you ever felt stuck? Not just mentally, but physically and emotionally stuck too? New clothes, new surroundings, or a new attitude can help at times, but on some occasions it’s not enough. The solution: a mindful clear out letting go of unnecessary clutter from your life a full physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental clearing.…
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How to Keep New Year Resolutions

We make New Year’s resolutions to improve our lives, but sometimes the process of setting and accomplishing our goals can be a challenge. Although millions of people make New Year’s resolutions, only 40 to 46 percent are likely to succeed at six months. Fortunately, you are more likely to succeed with your New Year’s resolutions…
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What’s the Most Depressing Day of the Year?

Dr. Cliff Arnall, a researcher at University of Cardiff’s Center for Lifelong Learning, has devised a formula that uses a variety of emotional and stress factors, to proclaim January 18 to be the most depressing day of the year in 2021. To make things worse, studies show that there are more heart attacks on Mondays…
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book club, starting a book club, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Kathleen Hall, Ask Dr. Kathleen, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Way I See It, The Stress Institute,, OurMLN, MLN, Alter Your Life, Altar Your Life, Mindful Living Everyday, Mindful Moments, Holiday, Book Club, Books

Starting a Book Club

One of the greatest avenues to meet new dynamic interesting people and to grow in your own knowledge and wisdom is to join or create a book club. You can join or begin an online book club, like, or a traditional book club. There is no substitute for the face to face interaction, fun…
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Ways To Cure Your Stress Hangover

When you go to bed feeling stressed you anticipate waking up feeling refreshed and renewed, but this isn’t always the case. Sometimes we wake up feeling worse. Too much stress leads to stress burnout. This feeling is sometimes known as a stress hangover. Stress hangovers may occur after your body experiences an excess of stress hormones.…
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Cure the New Year’s Blues

Typically the new year is an exciting time for people. It’s an opportunity for a fresh start—a time for people to channel their energy to mindful pursuits. Unfortunately, not everyone experiences this gleeful feeling. In fact, for some the new year can be a time of sadness and depression. If you’ve got the New Year’s…
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How to Stop Stress Eating

When you’re stressed, what do you turn to for comfort? Shopping? Meditating? Napping? It turns out that many Americans turn to food. This is known as stress eating or emotional eating. Stress and Eating Believe it or not, a little stress can actually suppress hunger. This is all based on the flight-or-fight principle. The adrenaline…
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