Category: Easter

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The Mystery Behind Easter Eggs

There are many folklore and myths associated with egg symbolism. For example, the story goes that if eggs were laid on Good Friday and kept for a hundred years, the yolks would turn to diamonds. There’s another story that goes: if someone finds two yolks in an Easter egg, she or he will be wealthy.…
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Organic Easter Egg Dyes, Mindful Family, Family, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Organic Easter Egg Dyes-Natural Solutions

Decorating eggs to give to friends and families is a symbol of friendship, love and good health. In addition, it has evolved to be a prized art form in Orthodox traditions. Instead  of using chemical food coloring this Easter, do something different and experiment using these organic Easter egg dyes Colors Orange: yellow onion skins,…
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mardi gras, Fat Tuesday, Ash Wednesday

Celebrating Fat Tuesday and Ash Wednesday

Fat Tuesday and Ash Wednesday is a time of great celebration in countries around the world, especially those with large Catholic populations like Brazil, Mexico, and Italy. These holidays have been around for centuries, but how well do you know their histories? Here are just a few facts that’ll help you brush up on the…
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