Category: February

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Boost Your Immune System

A strong immune system is important for a healthy, mindful life. Unfortunately, many of your habits and lifestyle choices impair your immune system. Give your immune system the boost it needs with a few Mindful Health tips. Your immune system keeps you healthy by riding your body of infections and helping you bounce back from…
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thrift shops, secondhand clothes

Guide to Secondhand Clothes

The end of summer is right around the corner, which means it’s almost time to clean out your closet and prepare for a new season. Do you have old clothes you no longer wear? Do you need new clothes, but are short on funds? Now’s the perfect opportunity for you to recycle and replenish your wardrobe with…
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Get a Dose of Nature’s Xanax

A Simple Dose of Nature’s Xanax A simple walk can be the equivalent of taking either an anti-anxiety drug, an antidepressant or a sleeping pill. Just 20 minutes of walking reverses your stress response, lowers your blood pressure, gives you an immune boost, and increases your energy and optimism. So step outside get some fresh…
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preserving food, canning, mindful eating everyday

Preserving Food: a Powerful Ritual

Preserving food is an ancient ritual that remains popular today. This concept is one of the key tenements of Mindful Eating Everyday®. At the end of the growing season I have fond memories of canning everything: cherries, tomatoes, green beans, pickles and corn. We also froze many fruits and vegetables; peaches, corn, peas, and peppers. Many of…
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3 Craft Ideas For Kids Stuck Inside

Whether it’s a snow day or a really bad rainstorm, being stuck inside can be both stressful and boring, especially for young kids. Children today have so many options for indoor entertainment: tablets, gaming consoles, and endless TV/movie streaming options, but eventually even these things become boring. Fortunately, you can keep the little ones entertained…
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Lent Is The Time For Spring Cleaning

We are now into the second week of Lent. This sacred season began on February 14 this year. Lent is the 40 days before Easter. It is considered a sacred time and an opportunity for changing a negative habit or challenge in life that may be holding you back. It can be much more than…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful, Mindful Family, Family, Stress

Overstressed Children Symptoms

Families, especially our children, are experiencing incredible levels of stress these days. Families the nucleus of a child’s life must address how violence and technology can impact the health of their children. Overstressed children patterns can lead to adult stress patterns as we mature into adulthood.Information overload can also be stressful in our technological age…
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Angry? Parents, Stop Yelling

Most of us are members of the parent club. This means it’s normal to get angry and most of us yell. However, when you find yourself angry, begin by considering: compassion, forgiveness, and kindness. Tell yourself to stop yelling, the shame and self-deprecation towards yourself and your kids! Yelling doesn’t do anyone any good. Then,…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Work, Work

Getting Off Work on Time

Americans spend a majority of their week at work. The last thing anyone wants is to spend extra time trying to finish up a work project or wrapping up the day’s work, because it eats into precious time that could be spent at home. Unfortunately, many people do stay a little longer after work or…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Work, Work

Your Office is a Germ Trap

Germs thrive in our offices due to our shared spaces and poor cleaning techniques. Commit to positively changing your work environment by taking Mindful health steps to avoid office germ illnesses. Ninety-eight percent of workers are affected by minor illness each year and many of them come in contact with these germs at work. At…
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