Category: Flash News- Nov Week 3

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

5 Mindful Holiday Tips

The winter holidays bring people together, but they can also bring stress and anxiety. Stop feeling overwhelmed and try these mindful holiday tips. For a healthy holiday you must learn how to relieve stress. Five of the top holiday stressors are shopping, traveling, insomnia, seasonal depression, and unhealthy eating habits. There are a few mindful…
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tips for holiday guests, holiday guest tips, hosting guest during the holidays,

How To Avoid Holiday Guest Stress

Creating a stable, safe, kind home is the key to a great guest visit. Holiday gatherings can be tense. Also remember that you really have no idea what people are going through, whether it’s your brother-in-law that lost his job, your niece dropped out of school unexpectedly or your sister who has no health insurance.…
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Thanksgiving Sandwiches

Got a ton of leftover food from Thanksgiving? Don’t know what to do with it? Try revamping your previous meal into a whole new creation with tasty Thanksgiving sandwich, crescent roll, and quesadilla recipes. To make these recipes you’ll need additional ingredients, such as bread, mayo, and cheese. But the main features are the leftovers:…
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In laws are coming, Thanksgiving Reunion, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

The In-laws are Coming! Are You Ready for a Reunion?

Thanksgiving reunion, the holiday of togetherness and appreciation, is upon us. This means that some of us will be spending time with our in-laws. Whether you’re a newlywed or have recently celebrated your 20th anniversary, getting along with your in-laws is a delicate balance. #1 Tip for Keeping the Peace this Thanksgiving Reunion Put talking…
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thanksgiving, thanksgiving meals, thanksgiving dishes, family

What Are You Eating on Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends to come together. It’s also a time in which extra pounds sneak up on us. According to the American Council on Exercise (ACE), we consume an average of 3,000 calories and 229 grams of fat during the course of a Thanksgiving meal. If you include earlier snacks…
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Celebrate Native Culture

At this time of year, millions of people recount the tale of the first Thanksgiving and there’s usually a great focus on the first pilgrims. As this month is Native American Heritage Month, it’s time that we celebrate the significant contributions Native Americans have made to this country. The history of Native American Heritage Month…
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thanksgiving story time, share family stories, thanksgiving tradition

Start a New Thanksgiving Tradition

Thanksgiving is coming up. For most families, this is a time to watch the Thanksgiving Day parade, eat sweet potato pie, and share what we’re thankful for. This year, in honor of Family Stories Month, switch things up a bit! This year start a new Thanksgiving tradition and share family stories at the dinner table…
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