Category: Health Tips

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

african american runners, african american heart disease, running tips, heart disease, african american runners

Run, Don’t Walk, For Your Health

The risk for heart disease is high in America, especially in the African American community. With February being American Heart Month and Black History Month, now is the time for our community to invest in heart-healthy practices like running. If you are looking for a little running inspiration, check out these Mindful running tips. The…
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february is american heart month, heart-healthy meals, heart healthy breakfast, healthy food for your heart

Eat Right for a Healthy Heart

It’s no coincidence that February was elected as American Heart Month. This is a time for celebrating love and eating healthy food for your heart. Heart-healthy meals can keep you in shape and extend your life. Fortunately, we’ve got tips on what to eat for a healthy heart, including heart healthy breakfast items. They’re a delicious…
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Ways To Cure Your Stress Hangover

When you go to bed feeling stressed you anticipate waking up feeling refreshed and renewed, but this isn’t always the case. Sometimes we wake up feeling worse. Too much stress leads to stress burnout. This feeling is sometimes known as a stress hangover. Stress hangovers may occur after your body experiences an excess of stress hormones.…
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How to Stop Stress Eating

When you’re stressed, what do you turn to for comfort? Shopping? Meditating? Napping? It turns out that many Americans turn to food. This is known as stress eating or emotional eating. Stress and Eating Believe it or not, a little stress can actually suppress hunger. This is all based on the flight-or-fight principle. The adrenaline…
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Self-Love 101

A new year means a chance for a fresh start and a better you. In order to be better, you must first love yourself.  You don’t have to wait for ‘National Self Love Month’ to start, so here’s a beginner’s guide to self love. Declutter Your Mind, Body, And Soul A big part of learning to…
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Spices that Fight Cold and Flu

Feeling under the weather? Instead of searching your medicine cabinet for a remedy, have you ever considered checking your spice rack? Lots of herbs and spices have surprising medicinal properties that may just help you! The Healing Powers of Spices and Herbs Whether you’re suffering from a cold or want to take better care of…
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The Dangers of Loneliness

Relationships and community are as essential as water, food, and air. Connection with others is essential for our survival and it is a core human need. When it comes to the dangers of loneliness the answer is very simple, we are social animals. If our needs for other human beings is not met, we suffer…
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Why We Overeat, overeating, how to stop overeating, why we overeat, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Eating Everyday, Eating Everyday, Mindful Health, Health

Consequences of Overeating

Large meal portions and extra servings can affect our waistline, our wallets and the fate of our planet. But, why exactly do we overeat? Why We Overeat Studies show that certain foods (especially sweets and fatty foods) have a drug-like effect, causing a pleasure sensation in the brain. Eating too much of these foods can “cause…
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Discover the Health Benefits of Friendship

Feeling alone? Suffering from heart health symptoms? Reaching out to friends can help both issues. Studies on the benefits of friendships show that being with friends increases a person’s oxytocin hormone levels. That’s the power of friendship! In short, the value of friendship is essential for better health. Studies also show that isolation decreases immune…
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going green movement, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful, Green Living, Lightbulbs, Energy saving lightbulbs, benefits of going green, going green is good, go green ideas

Going Green is Good For Your Health

Over the years, families, schools, and companies around the world have been going green. This environmental initiative has changed the way we think about our trash and our other harmful practices that are further polluting our planet. This going green movement has a huge, positive impact on the environment, but that’s not all. Going green…
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