Category: Helpful Holiday Information

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Holiday Grief, Mindful Family, Mindful Living Network

5 Tips for Holiday Grief

The holiday season is a beautiful time of year, but if you have recently lost a loved one, it can be a gloomy period. Even if your loved one passed away years ago, the sentimental nature of the season and the coming together of other family members can trigger beloved memories and cause you to…
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kwanzaa, african-american culture, heritage

Diversity During the Holidays

During this time of year, millions of people around the world are embarking on traditions that have been in their family for generations. Whether you’re decorating a Christmas tree, eating latkes, or displaying your kinara, the main focus of the season is getting together as a community . Winter Holidays As most know, three of…
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The Science and Soul of Giving This Holiday

“Helper’s high” is the term used to describe the euphoric feeling our mind and body experience when we give to others. As we shift from focusing on our own troubled, busy lives, we turn from the shadows of our daily life and open our hearts to the magnificent light and love possible this season. The…
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waste of money, waste your money

Earn Extra Cash This Holiday

This holiday season there are some individuals who are getting into the entrepreneurial spirit. Here are some entrepreneurial spirit job ideas: Holiday personal shoppers. It’s an increasingly popular trend where individuals will brave the cold, hectic streets to do your Black Friday or holiday shopping. A small fee is usually involved whether it’s a percentage of your…
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giving tuesday, service projects

Giving Tuesday

Volunteering during the holidays will not only help others, it also reminds us of the many things we have to be thankful for. More and more people are helping their community. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor, 24.9 percent of American adults volunteered for a nonprofit organization in 2015. That’s 62.6 million volunteers. We…
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