Category: Mindful Health Home

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Baby Mooninf, Mindful Family,veggie breakfast, vegetarian breakfast

Pack More Veggies into Your Breakfast

Eating healthy doesn’t just mean cutting out the chips and candy bars. It’s important to include more produce in your diet. While people can easily incorporate fruit into their daily meals, veggies can be a bit more a challenge (especially at breakfast time). By using these five vegetarian breakfast recipes, you can start your day…
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sleep deprivation

Is Stress Triggering Your Nightmares?

Having nightmares? Nightmares are a common part of childhood, which can start affecting kids in preschool. While most people have occasional nightmares as adults, two to eight percent of adults experience chronic nightmares. Fortunately, one of the ways to beat your nightmares is reducing your stress. Nightmares are a continuation of the thoughts and images that…
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The Udder Health Benefits of Dairy

Happy Dairy Month! My udder DNA is rooted in Hall’s Dairy. I was born and nurtured in our family dairy business. Hall’s Dairy processed most of the milk that was produced on the farms in our area of Ohio beginning from the 1930s until we were bought out. All things dairy were sacred and showed…
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being socially active

Lose Weight by Being Socially Active

Staying trim can be difficult with so many temptations lurking about. If you plan on skipping a summer cookout to avoid the lure of tasty treats, you should reconsider. New research shows that staying “socially active” can actually help you keep the weight off. Studies on Social Activities and Weight Loss At Ohio State University,…
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The Key to a Long Life

SELF Care Aging Program Aging can be quite an adventure. Staying active and developing wellness practices that you do regularly are keys to a long, happy, and prosperous life. Attitude also had a tremendous influence on how you age. Aging is a fact of life and it helps create health and happiness when you have…
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sense of smell, five senses

5 Natural Headache Cures

When your head is pounding you may be quick to pick up a bottle of aspirin for relief, but there are more mindful and natural ways to ease your headaches. Types of Headaches According to the World Health Organization, 47 percent of adults suffer from headaches at least once a year. The types of headaches…
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Yoga For Insomnia

This yoga for insomnia routine is great to do before bed. It will help  with insomnia and also help you to relax. So join me for this 15 minute yoga routine to help aid in a better night sleep. This yoga practice is also great for beginners. Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is characterized…
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Go Barefoot for Health, National Barefoot Day, Take a Barefoot Walk, Walk Barefoot for Your Health, Healthy to Go Barefoot

Take Off Your Shoes

It’s Healthy to Go Barefoot! Your Feet Are an Information Highway.The soles of your feet have over 20,000 nerve endings. There are more nerve endings in your feet than any comparable size on your body. Eighty percent of your foot is exposed to the floor when you walk barefoot. All of those precious nerves are…
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relaxation tips, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful

Learn to Relax… Now

Getting stressed? Well, try relaxing for a change. With the right relaxation tips, you can improve your mental, physical, and spiritual health and wellbeing. Relaxation changes your state of mind and physically changes your body functions by lowering your blood pressure, reducing your heart rate, quieting and restoring your busy brain. By breathing in deep and…
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Blueberries: The Anti-Aging Fruit

Blueberries are nutritional “super fruits” that you should definitely keep in your fridge. They are packed with vitamin C, vitamin K, and fiber and have numerous health benefits. In fact, these delicious berries have anti-aging properties that can help you age gracefully. Including blueberries in your salads, smoothies, and desserts can help you age gracefully,…
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