Category: Mindful Work®

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

What Kind of Boss Do You Have?

A company is only as good as its leader. Some workers are fortunate to have generous leaders, but for every understanding boss there is that one who you can’t seem to please. How is one to cope? Identifying what kind of boss you work for and how to best get along with them may be…
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What Type of Boss Are You, Part Two

Being a boss is not an easy task, but getting along with your boss can be even harder. Luckily, by learning to understand what type of boss you have you may be able to bring tranquility to your office and create a environment more suited for Mindful Work®. Here are the last five boss examples:…
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Create New Energy in Your Workspace through Feng Shui

Do you have a hard time staying focused at the office? Are you lacking inspiration at work? Then maybe you should consider giving your workspace a feng shui makeover to create new energy. The practice of feng shui, which means “wind-water,” is an ancient Chinese geomantic system. Through the system, individuals try to find spiritual…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Create the Best First Impressions in Milliseconds

A first impression is a lasting impression and unfortunately studies show that we don’t have much time to make a good one. In 2006, Princeton researchers conducted a study where participants were shown pictures of random people and were supposed to make judgments about them within a limited time frame. They found that people were…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Work

Survive Your Unbearable Job

We all desire to get paid for doing work that we love; unfortunately, there are times when we are faced with unbearable jobs. It’s up to us to find Mindful ways to survive. Though times are hard and jobs are scarce, many people would love the opportunity to leave their jobs and find another. According…
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national Entrepreneurship week, Entrepreneur

4 Stress Tips for Entrepreneurs

Becoming an entrepreneur means taking risks, but you should not have to risk your health. Setting aside time to lower your stress levels is not only good for your health—it’s also good for business. Here are a few stress tips for entrepreneurs. It is said that eight out of ten entrepreneurs fail within the first…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Tips for Business Travel Sanity

Millions of people are traveling for business and it’s contributing to the growth of the U.S. travel industry. In 2011, $249 billion dollars was spent on business travel alone. Unfortunately, this increase in business travelers means more lines, delays and stress. Here are a few mindful tips for business travel sanity. A business trip may…
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Health Hazardous Jobs

Millions of Americans have health hazardous jobs. Are you one of them? Studies show that going to the office can be bad for your health. Nine-eight percent of American workers are affected by minor illnesses each year and many of them become ill due to office germs. Hostile work environments with negative bosses or coworkers…
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Good Morning Routines For Working Moms, Mindful Family,Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Take Our Daughters or Sons to Work Day

Millions of parents and children will be participating in “Take Our Daughters or Sons to Work Day,” a day in which children leave school to get workplace experience at first-hand. It’s a time of great Mindful learning for both children and parents alike. This special day began in 1993 by Gloria Steinem and the Ms.…
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mindful hero, mindful living, mindful living network, our mln

Agnes Zhelesnik : America’s Oldest Working Teacher

Education is important for building a more Mindful world; thus, teaching is one of our noblest professions. Teachers help shape our future by enlightening the minds of our children. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, there are more than 3.7 million working elementary and secondary school teachers in the United States. One of…
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