Category: Mindfulness

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Finding a Mindful Balance

Simple Solutions to Finding Balance 1. What is the secret to  work-life balance? Well, we certainly know what it isn’t! When your to-do list is as long as your arm, when you come home from work, open the refrigerator, and find the set of keys you lost that morning in the butter dish, when you’re thinking of sticking…
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Poolside Party Ideas!

Nothing says summer more than relaxing evenings with friends and family by the pool. So this summer why not throw a mindful poolside party for your loved ones? It’s a fun and mindful way to relieve stress. Swimming is not only fun it also has numerous health benefits. It improves flexibility, helps with asthma, and…
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How to Mindfully Boost Your Energy

You’re low on energy and the day has just begun. What do you do? Most Americans will start pouring a second, maybe third, cup of coffee or reach for an energy drink or shot. However, there are healthier options to boost your energy. If you’re looking for a Mindful way to boost your energy take…
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3 Mindful Skincare Tips

The skin is the largest organ of the body and it needs to be taken care of properly, especially in summer months. With summer comes sun rays and chlorinated pools, which can take a toll on your skin but luckily there are some mindful skincare you might find in your house. Listed below are three…
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Mindful Procrastination Tips

Studies show that 95 percent of us procrastinate, but only 20 percent of us see it as a problem. Procrastination causes businesses untold losses of money and productivity, but there are also health consequences. The longer you put off the task, the more the stress builds and the more depressed you feel. Fortunately, with these procrastination tips…
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Love Benefits Your Health

It’s well known that a healthy dose of self love has a positive impact on your life. Studies show sharing love with others can also be good for our health. People in lasting, loving relationships have a better quality of life than their single counterparts. Married people are said to have many advantages. For example, they…
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Tips for Severe Weather Preparedness Week

February 3rd through the 7th is Severe Weather Preparedness Week, a time in which we should make plans to prepare for severe weather such as floods, hail and thunderstorms and even tornadoes. Have you made special emergency arrangements for your family? If not, then this is the time to do so. Listed below are five…
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Make Playing Your New Year’s Resolution

Playing More is a Health New Year’s Resolution to Begin This Year. Many of us try to create new practices in the New Year. One New Year’s resolutions should be to play more. Play changes the brain and creates health. Playing is an essential health benefit to our mind and body.  One fun practice to…
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Time is Almost Out!

The year is coming to a close and most of us are already looking forward to the new year. A new year is always more appealing than an old one, but that doesn’t mean we should waste this month by looking forward to the next. Instead of stumbling to the finish line, end the year…
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Find Your Role Model

Positive role models aren’t just for kids. Everyone needs someone to look up to and November, National Inspirational Role Models Month, is the perfect time to pick one or more. Historical figures are often admired and looked up to as role models. Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, Harriet Tubman, and Mother Teresa are just…
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