Category: __November

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Live A More Honest Life

When we have lived or are living a life of dishonesty either consciously or unconsciously, we need lots of support. It’s sometimes hard to gain the courage to finally tell the truth and as a result live a more honest life.  The more times a person continues to tell the truth, live the truth, and…
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Spices that Fight Cold and Flu

Feeling under the weather? Instead of searching your medicine cabinet for a remedy, have you ever considered checking your spice rack? Lots of herbs and spices have surprising medicinal properties that may just help you! The Healing Powers of Spices and Herbs Whether you’re suffering from a cold or want to take better care of…
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thanksgiving, leftovers, thanksgiving leftovers, sandwich recipe

Thanksgiving Leftovers Makeover

Got leftover holiday tofurky or turkey? To turn your Thanksgiving leftovers into an innovative meal with this delicious sandwich recipe. Leftover Turkey Sandwich After a great feast our family is usually tired of the big meals. A sandwich is always a refreshing change. Reuben sandwiches are a family favorite. Usually these sandwiches are served hot…
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how to deal with stress, beat holiday stress, Mindful Money, Money, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, holiday stress

Holiday Stress 911

911!? It’s the Holiday Season! It’s the day after Thanksgiving and the December celebrations (Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanza) are upon us. Unfortunately, many of us are concerned about our finances during this time of year. Because of this, many of us are very stressed and simply surviving the holidays. Well, now is the time to stop surviving…
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Thanksgiving Sandwiches

Got a ton of leftover food from Thanksgiving? Don’t know what to do with it? Try revamping your previous meal into a whole new creation with tasty Thanksgiving sandwich, crescent roll, and quesadilla recipes. To make these recipes you’ll need additional ingredients, such as bread, mayo, and cheese. But the main features are the leftovers:…
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waste of money, waste your money

Earn Extra Cash This Holiday

This holiday season there are some individuals who are getting into the entrepreneurial spirit. Here are some entrepreneurial spirit job ideas: Holiday personal shoppers. It’s an increasingly popular trend where individuals will brave the cold, hectic streets to do your Black Friday or holiday shopping. A small fee is usually involved whether it’s a percentage of your…
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thanksgiving, tofurky, traditional thanksgiving, alternative thanksgiving

Don’t Shudder: Alternative Turkey Ideas

Thanksgiving has become synonymous turkey dinners. According to the National Turkey Foundation, 46 million turkeys are prepared on Thanksgiving and nearly 88 percent of all Americans will have turkey on their plates this year. But is it time that we rethink this Thanksgiving tradition? Cruelty Free Thanksgiving People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful, Mindful Family, Family

5 Thanksgiving Stress Tips

When it’s your turn to host the Thanksgiving dinner it can be a little stressful. Take a deep breath and reduce your stress with these five helpful tips. Thanksgiving is a big deal in America—millions of people return to their childhood homes to have delicious meals with their family. According to experts, 54.3 million Americans…
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Retire the Right Way

Everyone retires, but not everyone is emotional or financially prepared when it comes to planning for retirement. According to a AARP survey, 43 percent of older Americans said they were ready to retire and 41 percent said that they were not. Here are Mindful tips to help ease your stress while planning for retirement: Financial…
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Hostile Relatives for Holidays, Mindful Family, Mindful Living Network

Hostile Relatives for the Holidays

Millions of us look forward to the holidays, but there are some aspects of the season that we dread. The holiday shopping rush is just the start. There’s also the hectic traveling schedules, the high expenses, and of course, the hostile relatives. If you need tips for keeping the peace between your loved ones this…
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