Category: Stress Reduction

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

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The Power of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an integrative medical approach to healing various conditions in the mind and body. This practice involves inserting thin needles into the skin or tissue at specific places on the body to move healing energy throughout the body. Acupuncture originated in China but is now commonly used in Western alternative medicine. Acupuncture is based…
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National Mindfulness Day

Mindfulness Day is celebrated on September 12. Each year we hope to raise awareness about the mental, physical, and spiritual benefits of mindfulness in every aspect of your life. Practicing mindfulness regularly helps reduce stress, depression, hypertension, and heart disease. It can also lower glucose to help with diabetes and aid your immune system which helps with cancer…
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Tips for Test Taking Stress

Are American students the world’s most tested kids? According to Teachers College at Columbia University, American students take more than 100 million standardized tests every year. Students, parents, teachers, and administrators are unbelievably stressed about these critical exams because the test results often determine a child’s future placement in school and are increasingly seen as…
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Caffeine and Sugar Accelerate Stress

It’s National Nutrition Month, a time to evaluate the food and liquids that you consume and their impact on your body. For instance, did you know that caffeine and sugar accelerate the stress in your body? This is a good time to do a caffeine and sugar check. How much caffeine and sugar are you…
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Stop Stress By Birding

Want a simple, inexpensive, fun way to reduce your stress? Stop stress by birding. I began birding many years ago and it brings more pure joy to my life than I had ever imagined. Birding is the practice of observing birds in their natural habitat. You can do this in your backyard, a local park…
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Stress Busting Tips for Teens

Teens are more stressed than adults, according to a new study. A teen has so much going on in their lives. Teens care about the way they look, friends, school, social events, their future, and they can get overwhelmed or flooded by their busy lives. Here are a few stress-busting tips for teens that all…
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Stress Management Tips for Children

Stress is a natural part of a child’s life. Children are very vulnerable to the stress in their lives. Children usually do not know that stress can make them sick, nervous, depressed, angry or withdrawn. Parents need to begin talking to their children at an early age and teach them how to develop awareness of…
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The Most Dangerous Hour of Your Life

Do you know which hour of your day is the most dangerous? Your daily commute is more stressful than what police officers experience in training. An article in the New England Journal of Medicine found that being stuck in a traffic jam more than doubles one’s chance of experiencing a heart attack in the subsequent…
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Laugh the Stress Away

Laughing truly is the best medicine, especially when it comes to stress.  You can literally laugh your stress away .Whether it’s almost April 15 or not, we can all feel financial stress or other stress. One of the greatest, most simple, and fun stress reducers is laughter. Laughter distracts us from negative events and emotions…
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do something new

Do Something New!

It’s time to do something new! You may be working out at the gym, walking, doing yoga, meditating, or viewing self-help videos to manage your stress and create relaxation. But it’s Spring and time to try something, anything new. How about taking a tai chi or chi gong class? For instance, why not take a…
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