Category: Tips To Altar Your Life®

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Create Your Own Altar

We live in a very busy world that sometimes feels devoid of meaning or a sense of the sacred spirituality. Altars help you remember what is most important in your life. An altar is a destination that calls you to stop, focus, listen, meditate, or pray. Listed below are a few tips to help you create your own…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Healing Powers of Crystals

After receiving numerous medical bills, lots of patients have become curious about other methods of healing. One alternative medical treatment that has sparked their attention is crystal healing therapy. Practitioners of crystal therapy believe that our bodies naturally have high vibrations and an aura that protects us from ailments. When we come in contact with…
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The Power Of Positive Thinking

Bring positive energy into your life with affirmations. Beginning or ending your day with a positive statement of encouragement is an important step to Mindful Living. Research tells us every thought and emotion we have creates a chemical release into our bodies.  These powerful chemicals affect our mental, physical, and spiritual health and well being. Our minds…
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happy living, how to be happy, serenity affirmations, personal affirmations,

4 Roots of Happy Living

Looking for a little happiness in your life? You hold the key! There are four essentials for happiness and they lead to a healthier mind, body, and soul. These four roots will ground you into your true S.E.L.F. 4 Roots of Happy Living Read below for Mindful Living Everyday® techniques to happy living. These four roots…
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Live A More Honest Life

When we have lived or are living a life of dishonesty either consciously or unconsciously, we need lots of support. It’s sometimes hard to gain the courage to finally tell the truth and as a result live a more honest life.  The more times a person continues to tell the truth, live the truth, and…
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Reconnect with Your Inner Child

Sometimes the struggles that come with adulthood require a childlike perspective. If we open ourselves up to childlike joy and enthusiasm, we can renew our energy and become more optimistic about life. Children fill their day with games, laughter, and their imagination. If we follow their example and embrace the child within each of us,…
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The Power of Chakras

Energize Your Life with Chakras

Understanding the Ancient Chakra Energy System Understanding the chakra system has been a powerful source of healing for me throughout the years. A Taoist monk almost thirty years ago taught me about the basic building blocks of chakra energy centers living in our bodies. Many people don’t know about chakras, so I am going to…
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Mindfulness: The Path to Freedom

As a wise person once said, “Mindfulness is the path to freedom.” How many of us really live in the present moment? Learning to live in the present moment can be difficult. We live worried about the future, coping with guilt, and overwhelmed by the past. We can do nothing about the past and worrying about…
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Clutter Clearing For the Soul

Have you ever felt stuck? Not just mentally, but physically and emotionally stuck too? New clothes, new surroundings, or a new attitude can help at times, but on some occasions it’s not enough. The solution: a mindful clear out letting go of unnecessary clutter from your life a full physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental clearing.…
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8 Steps to a New Beginning

Most of us are living lives rooted in fear instead of trust.  We fear having no money, losing a person we love, losing our job, losing our health and the list goes on and on .Today is the day to embrace your life with confidence, trust your destiny and start fresh with a new beginning.…
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