Category: Week 1

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Self-Love 101

A new year means a chance for a fresh start and a better you. In order to be better, you must first love yourself.  You don’t have to wait for ‘National Self Love Month’ to start, so here’s a beginner’s guide to self love. Declutter Your Mind, Body, And Soul A big part of learning to…
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Career Resolutions for the New Year

Having a hard time staying motivated at work? Feeling frustrated with the pace of your career? Maybe you should try posting a list of encouraging career resolutions around your office to keep you inspired and happier in 2020. Here are some mindful suggestions to help with your new year career resolutions : Micro milestones. Setting…
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authentic life, living an authentic life, living your authentic life, authentic self

Are You Living Your Authentic Life?

In society, we may experience the philosophical and spiritual gurus continually calling each of us to live an “authentic life.” The word authentic means original, not false or copied–it’s genuine, real. Living an authentic life is an essential human desire and goal that drives many of our lives. Listed below is my short list of…
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TexMex, chili, chili night, crock pot

Enjoy TexMex Chili Night!

Crockpots are an easy way to prepare healthy meals for the whole family. If you’re in the need of a fun recipe to use for your crockpot, try this enchilada-inspired chili. It’s delicious and your family will enjoy TexMex chili night. This creative recipe is a unique take on a traditional enchilada and it features…
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10 Exercise Tips for New Year’s Resolutions

Is exercising or getting healthy part of your New Year’s resolution? This year, achieve your health and fitness goals with these 10 mindful exercise resolutions. A lot of Americans choose to make health-based resolutions. According to a  Nielsen study, the top two resolutions for Americans were “staying fit and healthy” (37 percent) and “losing weight”…
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building a community

Find Your Tribe

Do you need help achieving your New Year’s resolution? Do you have a dream you’re working to fulfill? If so, having the right support network can help you achieve success. When you hang around people who are striving for the same goals it can help motivate you. Unfortunately, as we get older, making new friends…
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2021: New Year! New You!

Why is it that most of us fail to keep their New Year resolutions? We are so overbooked, overworked, and overwhelmed that our resolutions just become another “wish” list for a new life of happiness and peace that continues to elude us. Most of us are tired of living our precious lives like Billy Murray…
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Beets: Shocking Fountain of Youth Secret

Beets Aren’t Popular Beets aren’t the most popular vegetable, but they do have definite health benefits. In fact, a preliminary study from Wake Forest University shows that drinking a beetroot juice could help older brains function more efficiently. Shocking Health Benefits of Beets  Researchers from Wake Forest University are studying the effect beetroot supplements have…
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9 Tips for Getting in 10,000 Steps a Day

Have you yet to reach that 10,000-step mark with your fitness tracker? No need to worry! With these tips you’ll be able to reach your goal in no time! How Many Steps Do You Really Take in a Day? According to many experts, 10,000 steps (four to five miles) is an ideal daily walking goal…
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effects of unemployment

Unemployment Stress Tips to Help You Survive

Are you or someone you know unemployed? This can be a trying time financially, but it can also have devastating mental and physical consequences. Having the right mindful tips can prevent unemployment stress. Unemployment, especially long-term unemployment, can have terrifying financial costs. Unemployment in America It can obliterate savings and increase debt. It can also…
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