Category: Week 2

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Heal Depression Now

Depression is a serious health condition that impacts the lives of millions of people. There are currently 19 million Americans with depression. And according to the World Health Organization, depression will be the second largest single cause of illness in the world by 2020. Fortunately, studies show that Eco-therapy may help relieve depression symptoms. Types…
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Mindfulness Impacts DNA

Practices such as yoga and mindfulness meditation can improve mental and physical health, but that’s not all. A new study illustrates just how deep mindfulness can go. Researchers from Coventry University in the UK examined 18 studies that spanned 11 years. They found that mind-body interventions (MBIs) can “reverse” the molecular reactions in DNA that…
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benefits of almonds, serving of almonds

Behold the Power of Almonds

Are you looking for a tasty snack to have at work? Look no further than almonds. They’re delicious and require no prep time. Plus, there are numerous health benefits of almonds. One serving of almonds is a 1/4 of a cup or 23 almonds or a simple handful (depending on how you prefer to measure).…
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Can’t Sleep? You’re Not Alone!

Do you stay awake even in the wee hours of the morning? Don’t worry—you are not alone. Over half the adult population is not getting enough sleep. They are staying awake, which, in the long run, is stressing them out. But not to fear, Mindful sleep tips can help. Take Our Stress Test Is your health…
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cold and flu

Flu and Cold DIY Ideas

With flu season having already begun and cold season here, now is the time to start stocking up on your cold and flu remedies and gear. You’ll need to buy batteries for your thermometers and extra medications of course, but there are also some cold and flu equipment that you can make at home. Listed…
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The Dangers of Loneliness

Relationships and community are as essential as water, food, and air. Connection with others is essential for our survival and it is a core human need. When it comes to the dangers of loneliness the answer is very simple, we are social animals. If our needs for other human beings is not met, we suffer…
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apple recipes, Apple Health Benefits, apple chips recipe

6 Nutritious Apple Recipes To Try!

Can an apple a day truly keep the doctor away? In some cases, they can! For National Apple Month, try these delicious apple recipes and boost your health. Apple Health Benefits Apples are very nutritious because they are packed with fiber, calcium, and vitamins, and eating apples can greatly impact your health. Studies have found that…
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common symptoms of depression, depression awareness month, suffering from depression, dealing with depression

Are You Suffering From Depression?

As the temperatures drop and the days get shorter it is usual to feel a bit blue, but when these feelings become overwhelming and last for days on end you may be suffering from something else: depression. Depression Awareness Month October is Depression Awareness Month and it’s important for us to realize how many people are…
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going green movement, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful, Green Living, Lightbulbs, Energy saving lightbulbs, benefits of going green, going green is good, go green ideas

Going Green is Good For Your Health

Over the years, families, schools, and companies around the world have been going green. This environmental initiative has changed the way we think about our trash and our other harmful practices that are further polluting our planet. This going green movement has a huge, positive impact on the environment, but that’s not all. Going green…
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Nightmares and Spiritual Guidance

Dreams, whether good or bad, can have great spiritual significance, encouraging us to grow from the experience. However, there’s danger in becoming overwhelmed by nightmares. For centuries, people across the world turned to spiritual guidance to help stop unbearable bad dreams. Nightmares are extremely common. One out of every two adults has nightmares on occasion.…
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