Category: Week 3

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Stop and Smell the Roses

Celebrating the Exquisite Rose What is more beautiful than a rose? I agree with Ralph Waldo Emerson as he said, “There is simply the rose; it is perfect in every moment of its existence,” It’s National Rose Month and time to celebrate the exquisite rose. No matter what color, classifications or lineage, any rose is…
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wedding traditions, wedding customs

Wedding Traditions from Around the World

We have some unique cultural wedding traditions in America, but have you ever wonder what weddings are like in countries on the other side of the globe? Wedding customs from around the world vary from simplistic and intimate to grand and extended (some ceremonies lasting a full week). Here’s an inspirational look at traditions wedding…
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Attachment Causes Suffering

I have been thinking about what the Buddhists say about attachment. Buddhism believes our suffering in life is created by our cravings and attachments. I agree with this. I have been thinking about all my attachments: husband, children, status, money, property, jobs, friends, etc. etc. and the list goes on. Maybe attachments have an invisible…
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The Story Behind Father’s Day

Father’s Day has been celebrated in the U.S. for over 100 years. And in that time, millions of children have thanked their dads for their undying love. As you honor your father this weekend why not take a closer look at the story behind Father’s Day holiday. The Story Behind Father’s Day The grassroots campaign…
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healthy, summer, summer foods, summer eating habits

Summer Foods to Enjoy or Avoid

With all of your favorite summer activities comes a lot of unhealthy eating. Cotton candy at the county fair, deep-fried candy bars at amusement parks, and hotdogs at the ballpark all sound delicious, but it can be terrible for your waistlines. Fortunately, there are other healthy options. Summer is definitely the time of bathing suits;…
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summer solstice, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful, Mindful Travel, Travel

Summer Solstice Festivals and Celebrations

With the rising heat and cool breezes, summer is right around the corner. Which means it’s almost time for one of the world’s most ancient celebrations: the summer solstice. This year welcome the first day of summer with fun and Mindful Living celebrations. The summer solstice, also known as the first day of summer, usually…
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Celebrate the Summer Solstice

The summer solstice is almost here. On the astronomical calendar, June 20th is the longest day of the year, when the sun is at its highest point in the sky due to the tilt of the Earth’s axis. For centuries, civilizations around the world from Aztecs in Mexico to the pagan communities of Europe celebrated…
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The Udder Health Benefits of Dairy

Happy Dairy Month! My udder DNA is rooted in Hall’s Dairy. I was born and nurtured in our family dairy business. Hall’s Dairy processed most of the milk that was produced on the farms in our area of Ohio beginning from the 1930s until we were bought out. All things dairy were sacred and showed…
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Mindful father, Mindful Family, The Evolution of fatherhood

Evolution of Fatherhood

Part of being a mindful father is striking the right balance between family and professional life. In the past, a father’s identity was based more on factors outside of the home than within it. But over the decades, the evolution of fatherhood is changing. Dads are typically taking on more household and parenting responsibilities than…
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father's day activities

The Ultimate Father’s Day Gift

A recent survey found that an overwhelming majority of fathers said that would prefer experiences with their kids over gifts. Father’s Day is right around the corner. This year go beyond a greeting card and try Father’s Day activities instead they make great Father’s Day gifts. Plus, you’ll give your father an experience to remember. Experience…
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