Finding Joy In Your Community

It’s not that hard to find joy in your community. For example, the neighborhood you live in can be a source of great joy. People love to organize communities around different needs and interests. There are garden clubs for the lovers of the earth. There are running groups for the people who find joy in running. Likewise, there are mommy groups where young mothers find a source of joy and comfort by sharing time together. Many communities have clubs whose purpose is simply to have fun, where people gather to play cards, board games or go on nature walks.
Your home, work, and faith communities are part of your extended family and can be a source of joy and growth throughout your life. All religions maintain religious holidays; they create rituals for different life stages and become a place for continuing education and fellowship.
Please take the time to explore your passions, and then reach out to find people with common interests. Finding like-minded people to share your passion is pure joy. If there is not a group or community already formed around your interest, start one yourself. Print a flyer and put it into mailboxes to create interest. You will be surprised how your life will transform when you join a community where you share a similar passion. Know that it’s our human condition to be in community with one another.
Many of us come out of afflictive families with which we have little or no contact. You can discover a new family in community. There are infinite possibilities for healing and joy in community.