Start a Gratitude Diary

When last year came to an end and you were reflecting on past moments, did you recall more bad memories than good? If so, maybe it’s time for a change. Setting new year resolutions is a good idea, but also consider starting a gratitude diary.
What is a Gratitude Diary?
A gratitude diary is simply a type of mindful journaling. It helps you keep inventory of all the things that bring you happiness and all the things you are thankful for. Writing something in your gratitude journal daily (from a quote to a detailed list of what you’re thankful for) can help you establish a regular practice of thankfulness. It can also help you reduce stress.
When it comes to assessing a really tough year, it’s important to look at the grand scheme of things. Maybe the past year wasn’t so awful. Maybe you just failed to appreciate the little things. Having a gratitude journal can help fix that. Listed below are some entry ideas that you should consider listing in your gratitude journal.
6 Gratitude Journal Ideas
- One small thing per day. Whether it’s someone holding the elevator door for you or finding a dollar in your pocket, each day write down at least one small thing you’re thankful for.
- A health-related entry. Everyday write down one health-related thing that you’re grateful for. Maybe your dentist said you don’t have cavities. Or maybe you walked up three flights of stairs without huffing and puffing. Whatever it is be sure to have moment of thanks.
- Mindful lessons. Did you learn an important lesson today? Keep a record of it by putting it in your gratitude journal. Reflect on your learned lessons often so you don’t repeat your mistakes.
- Tiny accomplishments. Celebrating your achievements, both big and small, is an act of self-love. Fill your gratitude journal with your accomplishments and give yourself a pat on the back.
- Gifts from Mother Nature. Be thankful for the little things Mother Nature throws your way, whether it’s a bright sunny morning or a rare bird at your birdfeeder.
- Very special people. Make a daily list of all the very special people in your life—people who help make your life better, richer, happier. These people deserve your gratitude!