Create Your Intentions and Goals

It’s not that hard to create your intentions. You just have to plan for it because it unfortunately won’t simply happen on it’s own. The Mindful Living Network’s “family” has been doing this end of year practice for many years. At the end of each year of your life, consciously create your intentions.
So, before jumping into the next year why not dedicate time to reflect on the last 12 months of your life? This is a great process to do with your partner, family, and friends. Share your reflections and goals with others and get their input. Also, consider having a buddy system throughout the year. It will help you focus to create your intentions and stay on track. The last year can inform and inspire you as you create your intentions and goals for the new year.
It’s also fun to print the below questions out, write your answers and then look back on them throughout the year. It’s even more fun to look back on them 5 or even 10 years later. Want to try? Here’s a one page PDF with the questions listed below that you can print out – or email your friends so they can do it to!
Reflecting on the last year
- What was your biggest achievement?
- What was your biggest loss?
- If you had to choose, what would you say was the smartest decision you made?
- What one word best sums up and describes your experience?
- What was the greatest lesson you learned?
- If you had to name one, what one thing are you most happy about completing?
- Who were the three people that had the greatest impact on your life?
- If you could only pick one, what was the biggest risk you took?
- What was the biggest surprise?
- Pick one important relationship that improved the most.
Creating the best next year
- What would you like to be your biggest achievement in this new year?
- What is the major effort you are planning to improve your financial situation?
- If you could only pick one, what is one thing you would you be most happy about completing?
- What would you most like to change about yourself?
- If you could only pick one, what is one thing that are you looking forward to learning?
- What do you think your biggest risk will be?
- If you could only pick one, what is one thing about your work that you most committed to changing and improving?
- What brings you the most joy and how are you going to do or have more of that?
- Who or what, other than yourself, are you most committed to loving and serving?
- What one word would you like to have as your theme?