Moving on: Empty Nest Syndrome

Are you suffering from Empty Nest Syndrome? It is the time of year for Empty Nest Syndrome. Your children have left their home nest and are off into the world. Now you are left home alone with no distractions from your children and your personal life choices are looming in front of your eyes. Maybe you just dropped your child off at school and feel a cloud of melancholy settling in. You may feel estrangement or isolation from your partner and wonder, “Where do we go from here?”
Some tips for moving past Empty Nest Syndrome:
- Be Proactive not Reactive. Face your new life straight on. Be proactive in this stage of your life. Don’t avoid your feelings. Write them down and start a strategy to process these powerful emotions.
- Crisis & Rebirth. This can be your time of rebirth and to make an assessment of your life. How is your health and how are you emotionally, relationally and physically doing in your life? What about your spiritual life? Do you have personal issues you need professional help dealing with? Write down a list of issues you want to face and embrace in this stage of your life.
- Focus on Your Marriage/Partnership. This is a time to create a new dynamic marriage. Many marriages are fractured at this time and need some repairs and new glue. Share or do chores yourself. Who wants to cook, clean or wash dishes? Get to know each other again – you may need guidance of a marriage counselor. Seeing a professional counselor is the best investment you can make in your future happiness.
- Find Happiness. This can be the most happy and fulfilling time of your life. Have a great attitude about this stage of your life. You have enormous choices that can lead you to more joy than you ever dreamed.