Tag: dehydration

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

summer stress

Stressful Summer Activities

With the vacations, warm weather, and long sunny hours, summer should be a time of relaxation. However, that isn’t always the case. Some of the most popular summer activities can actually increase your stress. Popular Summer Activities In 2013, AARP conducted a survey of favorite American summertime activities with 1,000 participants over the age of…
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Watch Out for Summer Hazards

Sunburn isn’t the only health risk to be wary of this summer. On warm, sunny days there are many dangers just lurking around the corner.  Here’s a list of summer hazards to be mindful of. 5 Safety Tips for Summer Hazards Picnic panic. Who knew that enjoying your aunt’s potato salad at the family picnic…
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benefits of drinking water, glass of water, summer stress, stay hydrated

Best Summer Stress Reducer

Drinking a glass of water is a simple way to reduce your stress. When you experience summer stress, refresh your body right away by sipping some water. This is especially true during this summer heat. Benefits of Drinking Water Every organ in your body must have water to facilitate your mind and body functions. When…
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Drinking Water Improves Your Mood

Are you drinking enough water daily? The health benefits of drinking water are endless. You need water, not only for your physical health but for your mental health as well. In fact, studies show that drinking lots of water can boost your mood and alter your emotions. According to the U.D. Institute of Medicine (IOM), women should…
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Water Reduces Stress

Water is a Great Stress Reducer

Water reduces stress, and therefore is a great stress reducer. For example, simply drinking a glass of water is a simple way to reduce your stress. When you experience stress, refresh your body right away by sipping some water. This is especially true during this summer heat. Every organ in your body must have water…
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