Tag: discipline

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Mindful Discipline Tips for Your Child, Mindful Family,Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Family

Discipline Tips for Your Child

Society is full of prescriptions for handling a child’s misbehavior. You can’t  escape nanny shows, advice from an empathetic mom or the outspoken advice from your childless coworker. Here are some mindful discipline tips. You’ve probably tried small time-outs, counting 1-2-3, various forms of punishment, bribing, nagging and offering rewards to keep your kids in…
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New Trends: Creative Discipline

Your child has taken a treat from the cookie jar before dinner again – even after you told them not to… Now it’s time for action, but what is the best method of discipline? Recently, spanking has been a hot button issue. In the past it was a popular means of disciplining children. Now, many…
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6 Top Parenting Myths

It is easy to get overwhelmed with parenting these days with all the top myths about parenting . There are societal pressures and ever changing child rearing theories that have created a lot of stress and anxiety for parents. It’s time to clear up some misguided notions about good and bad parenting so that parents…
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Parenting Strategies, Mindful Family,Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Family, Family

Parenting Strategies to Prevent the Need for Discipline

There are two ways you can approach parenting: one, from a reactive place and two, from a proactive place. Although you need to know and consistently use a simple, loving and effective discipline approach like I teach my clients  to learn proactive parenting strategies to avoiding misbehavior in the first place. What are the benefits…
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How Do Children Teach Their Parents Everyday, Mindful Family,Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Family, Family

How Children Teach Parents Everyday

Every parent has experienced the phenomena of their child begging for their favourite story to read, their favourite song to be played or their favourite movie to be watched for the 100th time. Children teach their parents everyday through the choices they make and here is why we can learn about them so much if…
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One on One Fun Experinces, Mindful Family,Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life

One on One Fun Can be Your Best Discipline Technique

Show me any two people who have fun together frequently and I’ll show you a good relationship.  People who have regular fun together like each other and most often respect one another.  This is a winning combination when it comes to the parent/child relationship.  If both parties feel good around each other there will be…
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Alleviating Stress as a Family, Mindful Family, Mindful Living Network

3 Phrases to Get Your Child to Instantly Listen

Have you ever wished you had the perfect words to say when your child misbehaved?  How many of you have had the experience where you are at the grocery store and your child keeps begging you to buy something? No matter how many times you explain or say an outright, “No,” they still continue. Wouldn’t…
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