Tag: Dr. Kathleens blog

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

mindful family, stress reduction tools

Why Create A Mindful Family

The themes that rule our lives today are, “I just don’t have time” and “I’m exhausted.” We are overbooked, overworked and overwhelmed. Just getting done what must be done fills our days. The notion of finding precious time to learn how to create balance and to reduce our stress, to soothe our aching souls seems…
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Creating a Mindful Family Meeting

Weekly family meetings are an invaluable tool and can be the glue that keeps a family’s busy life from spinning out of control. Creating a mindful family meeting and place for the family to meet weekly provides a place for communication, building trust, and your family’s values. A  mindful family meeting organizes the family’s lives…
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May is National Mental Health Month

It’s May and since 1949 we have been observing May as Mental Health Month. Let’s take a moment to take a look at the state of mental health within our families and in our country. One in five Americans is affected by mental illness. We have created an environment of shame and fear associated with…
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love rituals, self care activities, finding inner peace, take care of yourself,

Life-Saving Renewal Rituals

What is a Renewal Ritual®? We race around in our busy lives and don’t take the time to check in or come home to yourself. We must create time to unplug from the world and plug into our inner ourselves. Most of us are overbooked, overworked and overwhelmed these days. A three- to five- minute…
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simple meditation, benefits of meditation, meditation month

Why You Need Mindful Moments: Meditation

What is a Mindful Moment? Many of us are living mindlessly these days instead of mindfully. As we race through our busy lives our minds can race like an out of control train on its tracks. Our minds and bodies were not created to maintain our mental and physical health at our current rate of…
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intentional life, living an intentional life, live an intentional life

Live an Intentional Life® with the A.C.E.® Practice

To Live an Intention Life® means living with a strong purpose or aim, with the determination to produce your desired result. I believe there are three ingredients or components that are the foundation for living an intentional life. They are A.C.E. Awareness, Choice, and Energy®, which is easy to remember as ACE your life. The…
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spirituality growing,

Why is Spirituality Growing and Religion Dying

A new Pew Research poll finished in June 2018 shows that more Americans say they’re spiritual but not religious. Over a quarter of Americans now say they are spiritual but not religious. This is up eight percentage points in the last five years and spirituality trends are increasing. What Does Being Spiritual Actually Mean There…
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Technology is the New Smoking, Smartphones Can Affect Your Brain, Phone Creates Health Problems, Smartphone Use Can Lead to Mental Health Problems, Mindfulness is Technology’s Healing Balm

Technology is the New Smoking

In our near future technology may be considered the same type of addiction as smoking. Our brains are getting addicted to our technology. Our levels of the pleasurable neurotransmitter dopamine, which affects our pleasure circuits, increases over 100 percent when we are on our tech devices. We are dependent upon technology to do our daily…
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The Gifts of Summer, Saying Good Bye to Summer, Immerse Yourself in Summer, Savor the Foods of Summer, Enjoy the Tastes of Summer

Savor the Last of Summer

It’s August! August is our last month to enjoy the gifts of summer. Find a place to immerse your body in water. Get to the beach, a river, a lake, or a pool and savor the last of summer while you can. You will carry these summer memories through the gray winter days. Visit nearby…
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are we getting dumber

Why Are Our IQ Test Scores Falling?

It seems with the advent of technology, science, and education we should be getting smarter. But emerging research is telling us that we are getting dumber with each generation. IQ test scores have been on a steady decline for decades. A study by the Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research looked at almost 750,000 men.…
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