Tag: neighborhood party

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

fall party, fall party ideas

Plan a Fall Party with Your Neighbors

It’s autumn, the season of crisp weather and warm, comfort food. This is the perfect time to reunite with your neighborhood and kick-start a Mindful fall party. Our country has been under a lot of strain recently. With the news of the U.S. government shutdowns and hundreds of thousands of people being sent home from…
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mindful neighborhood, block party ideas

Take the Afternoon or Weekend to Meet Your Neighbor

How well do you know your neighbor? Decades ago, strong neighborly connections were common, but today this isn’t the case. This is a shame as a Mindful community begins with a mindful neighborhood. According to the Pew Research Center, a study found that only 19 percent of American adults knew all of their neighbors. Twenty-four…
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