Tag: volunteer ideas

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Volunteer Travel: Unconditional Love in Action

You don’t have to be “religious” in any way to appreciate the benefits of volunteering for the soul. Volunteer travel is just one of the way you can help others while traveling. Volunteer travel will change your life and those of others. Nothing feels better or brings instant joy to the heart than showing up…
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Volunteering Will Improve Your Office

Bonding with coworkers is important for a successful work environment. Team building exercises are a good way of achieving those connections, but this isn’t the only way. Volunteering with your boss and your coworkers cannot only build strong bonds around the office but it can also improve your local community. Eighty percent of American workers…
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service project ideas, holiday service projects

Holiday Service Project Ideas

Will you open your heart and give a different kind of gift this year? Volunteering during the holiday season is a win-win for everybody. There are many people and organizations within our community that would appreciate your help. By helping others you’ll make new friends and try new experiences. To get started, join a service organization that…
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spring break voluntourism, voluntourism, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life

Spring Break Voluntouring: Vacationing and Helping Others

For most American students spring break is a week of studies and responsibilities and for some is a week of travel and parties. But for other students spring break is a week to better themselves and help others. For instance, some students use the time to shadow a professional and prepare for a future career.…
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