Think Pink for Breast Cancer Prevention
The pink ribbon tradition was started by the Susan G. Komen for the Cure and it has now grown into an international symbol for the fight against breast cancer.
October has been Breast Cancer Awareness Month for more than 25 years. It began as a partnership between government agencies, medical associations, and public service organizations. Since then there have been walks, concerts, banquets, comedy benefits and pink products for breast cancer awareness.
Breast Cancer Facts
Studies show that we truly need the support. One in eight American women (or 12 percent of American women) will develop breast cancer. Unfortunately, breast cancer death rates are higher than those for any other cancer, besides lung cancer. In fact, though the death rates of breast cancer patients have decreased nearly 40,000 American women die each year.
Tips for Breast Cancer Awareness:
Listed below are some tips to make the best impact to your health, in October or any other month of the year… .
- Add the right nutrients to your diet. New studies in the Journal of Epidemiology showed that if premenopausal women have an intake of vitamin B6 that’s 30 percent above the daily value they had “53 percent better odds of not getting breast cancer.” According to an article, small amounts of vitamin B6 can lead to more estrogen-related tumors. You can increase your vitamin B6 levels by eating sweet potatoes and butternut squash.
- Increase your breast cancer knowledge. One of the best ways to combat breast cancer is to know the risk factors like age, genetics, obesity, smoking, alcohol use and pregnancy, breastfeeding and menstrual history. It’s also crucial to know the symptoms including a lump in the breast or underarm area and swelling or irritation of the breast.
- Get examined. Spot problems early on with breast self examinations. You should lie down and use your fingers in a spiral pattern to check for lumps. WebMD lists thorough instructions. Or if you prefer a professional’s opinion schedule a mammogram with a doctor or clinic.
- Be part of the solution. Help in any way you can. For instance, once you have been screened or conducted a breast self examination encourage the women in your life or community to do the same. Consider participating in local breast cancer awareness events. Check your local news provider for dates and times. Consider making donations too.
Bonus. Check out Dr. Hall’s S.E.L.F. Care program for reducing cancer risk and stress in cancer patients. It lists other important ways to protect ourselves like exercises.