Why Hope Matters Now

With the summer ending, fall ushering in soon, pandemic fears, financial stress, and election madness, it’s time for a dose of hope.
Hope is a Law of Nature
Hope is real, palpable energy. Each day we experience natural laws of physics that we don’t actually recognize, such as wind, light, gravity, and hope. Hope is a natural law of physics and spirituality.
Hope has been an anchor in the midst of the violent, turbulent seas in my ever-changing life. Hope has been a bright, lifesaving lighthouse beacon when I have lost my way in the darkness of my own losses and challenges. Hope is the altar of my life on which I have entrusted my most sacred intentions, anxieties, and adventures. Hope Matters.
Research Shows Hope Matters
A study examined the relationships between positive emotions and health. Two positive emotions were considered, hope and curiosity, in conjunction with three physician-diagnosed disease outcomes: hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and respiratory tract infections. Across those three disease outcomes, higher levels of hope were associated with a decreased likelihood of having or developing a disease. Higher levels of curiosity were also associated with decreased likelihood of hypertension and diabetes mellitus. These results suggest that positive emotions may play a protective role in the development of disease. As the large body of scientific research continues to grow on mind-body medicine, we will continue to prove the health benefits of this miracle energy called hope.
Hope is the antidote for our confusing world. Hope is evidence of the Divine. Hope is freedom. You can’t be in bondage to fear, anger, shame, or uncertainty if you live hope. Anything is possible if you have hope.
Discover the Directions of Hope
- Here-Now. The present is the only thing you have. This present moment is full of energy, joy, and peace if you make this choice. No matter what has occurred in your life, you are here, now, for a purpose. Take a deep breath. Move through your five senses and experience your magnificent life in this moment. What do you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel right now?
- Backward. Looking backward is the past. The past is over and there is nothing we can do about it. Make peace with your decisions, losses and grief. Forgive yourself first and forgive others. Make amends to those you have wronged. Forgiveness is the healing balm of life. Your past is behind you now.
- Forward. Your future contains infinite possibilities and unlimited potential. Research tells us positive hopeful people draw positive people and situations to them. Be a magnet for hope in your future.
- Upward. Gather strength from the Divine or your Higher Power. Reinforce your connection with hope through meditation, prayer, yoga, journaling, nature, art and other spiritual practices that connect you with your Divine Being.
- Downward. Look where you stand right now. Be grateful you are alive, you are healthy and live in a free country. Experience gratitude for your ancestors that survived, sacrificed, and worked hard for the life you are living. You are stronger than you think. Ground and root yourself in Mother Earth’s powerful energy.
- Sideways. Look to the left and to the right. Who is with you? Do you have friends, neighbors, family or a community to support you? If not, discover someone today by going to a group doing something you love. They will support you and be there for you.
- Within. What are your grounding practices that bring you home to yourself every day.Is it a book, prayer, meditation, yoga, art or music?
Hope is your source of energy, grace and glue. Hope is a powerful, spiritual power that will guide you through the toughest of times and will be your teacher throughout your life.
This material is taken from Dr. Hall’s book, “Uncommon HOPE” on Amazon.