Courses with Dr. Hall range from one hour to six hours, and can be scheduled for half days or full days. Dr. Hall is also available for keynotes as well as motivational and inspirational speeches. She can also customize courses based on the needs and issues within your organization. The titles and descriptions are listed below along with some examples of customized courses/seminars.
Course 1: Own Your Happiness: Four Essential Virtues Happy People Know
Learn how to tackle one of the hardest parts of the working person’s life: finding balance and real happiness. Discover how to find the time you need to run your business and create happiness and balance in your busy family life.
Course 2: Living a Life in Balance: The Roots of True Happiness
Based on Dr. Hall’s book A Life in Balance: Nourishing the Four Roots of True Happiness, winner of The Nautilus Book Award. Discover the building blocks for mental and physical health that will reduce stress and create a life of health, happiness and balance. Learn about serenity, exercise, love and food, or S.E.L.F.™
Course 3: Live an Intentional Life™: Discovering Authentic Work-Life Balance
Based on Dr. Hall’s book, Alter Your Life: Overbooked? Overworked? Overwhelmed?Learn the foundations for living a mindful life by using her ACE technique: Awareness, Choice and Energy.
Course 4: Diversity in the Global Workplace
Our new religious diversity affects the workplace more every day because of mainstream ignorance of other cultures and religions. Education is the key to the accommodation of many religions in the workplace. This course enhances tolerance, respect and knowledge in the workplace.
Course 5: Living an Intentional Life™: Opportunity Knocks
Learn how to focus on goals and a new lifestyle of intentional living. Energize people and help them feel optimistic about the future.
Customized Courses
Course 6: Is Your Glass Half Full? The Power of Optimism
Optimistic individuals reduce their risk of death by 50% and have a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Learn how to become more optimistic and happy in your life.
Course 7: Stress Solutions: Stress Reduction 101
Your body is your best pharmacy. Learn simple, easy-to-do techniques that reduce your stress in just minutes.
Course 8: Successful Aging
It’s been proven that chronic stress can accelerate your aging. Learn how to age with confidence and happiness.
Course 9: Solutions to Corporate Health Care Costs: Reduce Sick Days, Insurance Costs and Increase Health and Productivity
Emerging research proves that learning specific stress reducing practices can improve your health, lower your blood pressure, and help manage diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
Course 10: Lighten Up! Weight Loss Program for the Life of Your Employees
Never use the dirty word DIET! Did you know research shows us that 92% of people who diet actually gain more weight back after they stop a diet? Learn a new nurturing, empowering lifestyle that will keep you mentally and physically fit for life.
Course 11: Burnout: The Symptoms and Cures
Are you feeling worn out and unable to carry on with your life? Learn solutions to prevent and heal burnout.
Course 12: Corporate Wellness Program
Exercise is only one leg of an effective, research-based four-legged wellness program. Teach your employees self care and watch your company grow and increase its bottom line.
For information on customized courses, please call Jim Hixon at 404-490-3688 or email us.