Category: Mindful Living CommUNITY®

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

‘A Collective Time of Character’ – A Call to Help Unwanted Animals

Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York State, said “This is a collective time of character. You will ask yourself later in life: What did I do in this moment?” What did you do? Why not use this time to help others, particularly those that can’t help themselves? For example, almost anywhere you look there is…
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summer stress

Stressful Summer Activities

With the vacations, warm weather, and long sunny hours, summer should be a time of relaxation. However, that isn’t always the case. Some of the most popular summer activities can actually increase your stress. Popular Summer Activities In 2013, AARP conducted a survey of favorite American summertime activities with 1,000 participants over the age of…
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community mural, public art

Murals for Unity

Is there a dreary spot in your neighborhood that’s in desperate need of some attention? Maybe now is the time to do something about it. Revitalizing a neglected area is a fun group project for your community and it’s also a way to make your neighborhood more inviting. So if you want to brighten up…
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united we stand divided we fall, healing division

Healing Division on July 4th

Independence Day marks the birth of a revolutionary movement. It has been a long time since the United States declared its independence, and while we have achieved so much as a country, today we stand divided in so many ways. With the Declaration of Independence, delegates proclaimed the United States as a sovereign nation capable…
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4th of july, celebration, mindful living everyday, unity in community, family conflict

Putting the “Unity” in CommUNITY

Are you planning a fourth of July cookout with your extended family? Are you worried that politics is going to prevent you from enjoying that yummy potato salad? It doesn’t have to. Now is the time for a temporary truce instead of family conflict. If we work together we can put family tension aside and put the unity…
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wedding traditions, wedding customs

Wedding Traditions from Around the World

We have some unique cultural wedding traditions in America, but have you ever wonder what weddings are like in countries on the other side of the globe? Wedding customs from around the world vary from simplistic and intimate to grand and extended (some ceremonies lasting a full week). Here’s an inspirational look at traditions wedding…
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summer solstice, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful, Mindful Travel, Travel

Summer Solstice Festivals and Celebrations

With the rising heat and cool breezes, summer is right around the corner. Which means it’s almost time for one of the world’s most ancient celebrations: the summer solstice. This year welcome the first day of summer with fun and Mindful Living celebrations. The summer solstice, also known as the first day of summer, usually…
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Celebrate the Summer Solstice

The summer solstice is almost here. On the astronomical calendar, June 20th is the longest day of the year, when the sun is at its highest point in the sky due to the tilt of the Earth’s axis. For centuries, civilizations around the world from Aztecs in Mexico to the pagan communities of Europe celebrated…
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Loving v. Virginia, loving day, interracial marriage

Love Over Hate

Love Over Hate: A Celebration of Loving Day America may be the “land of the free,” but the right to love is relatively new. On June 12, 1967, the United States Supreme Court made the decision to strike down all anti-miscegenation laws. Today, Loving Day, is the 50th anniversary of this court decision and a…
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yard sale, garage sale

Planning a Successful Yard Sale

Looking for a way to make extra money? A yard sale (or garage sale) can provide a great opportunity to generate revenue and clear out some of the old, but sellable items. In order to be successful, you’ll need to do some proper planning. Listed below are a few Mindful tips that can help. Tips for…
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