15 Activists to Celebrate for Women’s History Month

Happy Women’s History Month! What began in 1978 as a weeklong celebration in the school district of Sonoma, California has become a national month of awareness. In the past, we’ve shined a spotlight on many Mindful “sheroes.” This year we’d like to take a moment to recognize the 15 honorees of the National Women’s History Project.
Every year the National Women’s History Project (NWHP) comes up with a theme for Women’s History Month. This year’s theme is “Nevertheless She Persisted: Honoring Women Who Fight All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.” It’s the perfect opportunity to honor women who fight sexism, racism, classism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, or other forms of discrimination. As NWHP puts it, “by fighting all forms of discrimination against women and girls, [these honorees] have shaped America’s history and our future.”
The 2018 Honorees of the National Women’s History Project
This year fifteen women will be honored by the NWHP for being extraordinary visionaries and role models. The women are listed below.
Susan Burton, an activist who has dedicated her life to helping others break the cycle of incarceration.
Margaret Dunkle, an author who’s groundbreaking report on discrimination against female athletes became a blueprint for Title IX (a law that transformed education for women and girls).
Geraldine Ferraro, the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights.
Jill Moss Greenberg, an activist who has served as the founding executive director of Maryland Women’s Heritage Center and the first national executive director of the National Association for Multicultural Education.
Roma Guy, an social justice activist who co-founded San Francisco Women Against Rape, San Francisco Women’s Center, and California Women’s Agenda.
Cristina Jimenez, executive director and co-founder of United We Dream, the largest immigrant youth-led organization in the country.
Saru Jayaraman, a national labor leader and researcher who helps restaurant workers mobilize for better wages and working conditions.
Marty Langelan, a leader in the global effort to end harassment and the pioneer of feminist self-defense training.
Pat Maginnis, an unsung hero in the fight for reproductive justice.
Arlene B. Mayerson, a disability rights activist and lawyer who played a key role in drafting the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Pauli Murray, an activist for civil rights and women’s rights movements who also co-founded the National Organization for Women (NOW).
Elizabeth Peratrovich, an activist who helped lead the passage of the Alaska Territory’s first anti-discrimination act.
Loretta J. Ross, a feminist and advocate for reproductive rights who created the theory of Reproductive Justice.
Angelica Salas, an immigration rights activist and executive director of the Center for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA).
Linda Spoonster Schwartz, a veteran advocate who served on the national boards of the American Nurse Association, Vietnam Veterans of America, and the Vietnam Women’s Memorial.
Want to learn about these Mindful sheroes? Check out the National Women’s History Project website.
Bonus. This month learn more about the great contributions women have made to our nation’s history. You can read a book or visit a local museum. In fact, many museums will be showcasing special exhibits for Women’s History Month. If you’re ever in Virginia, check out the National Women’s History Museum.