Tag: new years resolutions

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

mindful health, mindful living, mindful living network, ourmln, how to quit smoking, Stop Smoking, dangers of smoking, quit smoking

This Year, Kick Your Smoking Habit

Have you made quitting your smoking habit your New Year’s resolution? You aren’t alone. Reducing or quitting smoking is one of the top ten New Year’s resolutions for Americans. Accomplishing this goal can be an uphill battle; but, if you want to learn how to quit smoking, these Mindful Health® tips can help see you through.…
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Plan for Your Summer Body

Are you already struggling to keep up your exercise routine? Don’t fret! There are simple ways for you to stick to your exercise plan and see your summer body come through this year. 4 Ways To Keep Your Exercise Routine Curate a Personalized Workout Playlist Do you like to listen to music while you run…
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Cure the New Year’s Blues

Typically the new year is an exciting time for people. It’s an opportunity for a fresh start—a time for people to channel their energy to mindful pursuits. Unfortunately, not everyone experiences this gleeful feeling. In fact, for some the new year can be a time of sadness and depression. If you’ve got the New Year’s…
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Career Resolutions for the New Year

Having a hard time staying motivated at work? Feeling frustrated with the pace of your career? Maybe you should try posting a list of encouraging career resolutions around your office to keep you inspired and happier in 2020. Here are some mindful suggestions to help with your new year career resolutions : Micro milestones. Setting…
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10 Exercise Tips for New Year’s Resolutions

Is exercising or getting healthy part of your New Year’s resolution? This year, achieve your health and fitness goals with these 10 mindful exercise resolutions. A lot of Americans choose to make health-based resolutions. According to a  Nielsen study, the top two resolutions for Americans were “staying fit and healthy” (37 percent) and “losing weight”…
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2021: New Year! New You!

Why is it that most of us fail to keep their New Year resolutions? We are so overbooked, overworked, and overwhelmed that our resolutions just become another “wish” list for a new life of happiness and peace that continues to elude us. Most of us are tired of living our precious lives like Billy Murray…
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5 Mindful New Year’s Resolutions

It’s a new year, which makes it the perfect time to start living a more mindful life. By making mindful New Year’s resolutions you can connect with your inner self, grow spiritually, and increase your physical fitness. Do you need a few ideas? Check out these New Year’s resolutions listed below.   Meditate every day.…
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3 New Year’s Resolution Tips

Did you make a New Year’s resolution this year? Have you already given up? Stay encouraged and get motivated with these Mindful New Year’s Resolution tips. Twenty-five percent of people give up on their New Year’s resolution within the first week and there are many reasons why. They set unrealistic goals or don’t take the…
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health and wellness

Your Wellness Score for the New Year

The year is quickly coming to an end, making this the perfect time to assess your health and wellness status. While we reflect we can also dedicate ourselves to a wellness checkup, to make sure that we start the new year in good health. To achieve wellness we must make active and thoughtful choices for…
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vision board

Create Your Powerful Vision Board

It’s funny how powerful vision boards can be. How many of us had good intentions as we created our New Year’s resolutions for this year? Many of us have written them down on a nice list and filed them away or taped them to the refrigerator. Because of this, the latest research shows us that…
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