Tag: spirituality

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute, OurMLN.com, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful

Summer Spiritual Renewal

Summer is typically the season that we focus on our physical health. We worry about getting our bodies fit for the fit for the beach or other summer activities but what about our spiritual health? Listed below are six spiritual summer tips that can help get your inner self in tip-top shape . Tips For…
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Create Your Own Altar

We live in a very busy world that sometimes feels devoid of meaning or a sense of the sacred spirituality. Altars help you remember what is most important in your life. An altar is a destination that calls you to stop, focus, listen, meditate, or pray. Listed below are a few tips to help you create your own…
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Reclaim the Feminine In Your Life

Since ancient Greece and throughout the ages in all cultures, religions, and spiritualities, people have celebrated femininity. When I was at Emory, the theology of the Amma, the holy mother governing the early monasteries, fascinated me. The Amma is the CEO of the monastery. She is in charge of the spiritual, economic, and logistical existence…
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The Power of Renewal Rituals

Rituals reduce stress and anxiety and make us feel safe and resilient. I encourage you to develop Renewal Rituals, especially at work, to live a more stress-free life. Before we get any further, I want to emphasize to you that Rituals are not the same as Routines. You perform your Renewal Rituals with reverence, awareness,…
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Live in Your Light Energy Today

Live In Your Light Energy Today For this holiday season, de-stress by being the light in your world. You can de-stress and create happiness by repeating a daily mantra, “I am the light in this world.” We all need the light  energy in our lives as we live in these challenging times. The ancient spiritualities,…
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Nightmares and Spiritual Guidance

Dreams, whether good or bad, can have great spiritual significance, encouraging us to grow from the experience. However, there’s danger in becoming overwhelmed by nightmares. For centuries, people across the world turned to spiritual guidance to help stop unbearable bad dreams. Nightmares are extremely common. One out of every two adults has nightmares on occasion.…
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spirituality growing,

Why is Spirituality Growing and Religion Dying

A new Pew Research poll finished in June 2018 shows that more Americans say they’re spiritual but not religious. Over a quarter of Americans now say they are spiritual but not religious. This is up eight percentage points in the last five years and spirituality trends are increasing. What Does Being Spiritual Actually Mean There…
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What is an Altar?

An altar is a sacred space you can create anywhere–in your home, on your desk or in your outdoor garden. You can create an altar wherever you want and you can use this special, meaningful place to meditate, pray, or just focus during your busy day. Understanding the meaning of altars will help you create your…
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