Author: Dr. Kathleen Hall

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

4 Brainpower Tips

Eating the right foods and participating in playful activities have been proven to boost your brain power. Now there are many apps (for cell phones and tablets) that can do the same. The National Institute of Aging and the National Institute of Nursing Research funded the ACTIVE study. They tested the efficiency of mental exercises…
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Jealousy the Green Eyed Monster, The Way I See It

Jealousy: The Green Eyed Monster

“Shakespeare described jealousy as “the Green-Eyed Monster.” Jealousy is thoughts or feelings of insecurity, fear, concern, and envy over relative lack of possessions, status or something of great personal value. There are different types of jealousy and the symptoms of it can be emotional, physical, and relational so please be aware of the consequences of…
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Can a Simple Flower Change Your Health?

Don’t you want to reduce stress and depression and also have more energy, enthusiasm, and compassion? Flowers are an essential tool for our mental and physical health. A behavioral research study conducted by Nancy Etcoff, Ph.D., of Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, shows we feel more energy, enthusiasm, and compassion toward others and…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Work, Work

S.E.L.F. Care: Your Life Preserver at Work

Are you feeling overwhelmed and overworked? Does it feel like the day is moving at snail’s pace and the amount of work hasn’t ended? Here is how S.E.L.F Care can help you overcome you busy job. S.E.L.F. Care can help you survive the workload S= Serenity Take a two-minute refresher. Close your eyes and take…
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national day of unplugging, unplugging, technology detox

Morning Chaos Can Ruin Your Day

Mornings for most of us can be chaotic. It is very important to remember your morning chaos sets the stage for your entire day. Don’t  you want to begin your day with a rhythm and dependable rituals that keep you balanced for the day? Try to set the tone for the morning by trying to…
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How to Live an Intentional Life, The Way I See It

How Can We Live an Intentional Life

This is the year to focus on creating your intentional life. Living an intentional life calls you wake up and to deepen your life. Living with intention calls you to live at your full potential while also reducing your chronic stress that can lead to mental and physical illness. Intentional living consists of three key…
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Tea Helps with Aging

Nothing warms your body and your soul like a warm cup of tea on a winter morning. Drinking hot tea can positively impact your health and since January is Hot Tea Month, it’s time that we embrace tea’s delicious anti-aging properties. History of Tea People have been drinking hot tea since 2700 B.C. It began…
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How to Keep New Year Resolutions

We make New Year’s resolutions to improve our lives, but sometimes the process of setting and accomplishing our goals can be a challenge. Although millions of people make New Year’s resolutions, only 40 to 46 percent are likely to succeed at six months. Fortunately, you are more likely to succeed with your New Year’s resolutions…
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Cure the New Year’s Blues

Typically the new year is an exciting time for people. It’s an opportunity for a fresh start—a time for people to channel their energy to mindful pursuits. Unfortunately, not everyone experiences this gleeful feeling. In fact, for some the new year can be a time of sadness and depression. If you’ve got the New Year’s…
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Jumpstart Your Creativity

10 Mindful Ways to Spark Creativity Did you make a creative New Year’s resolution this year? Maybe you want to write a book, start a podcast series, form a folk band, or create delicious new recipes. No matter what your goal is, you’ll need to boost your creativity to complete your innovative resolutions. With the…
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