
Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Radiant Northern Lights

Immerse your SELF in the radiance of the Northern Lights, nature’s winter magic. Allow your eyes, mind, and soul to float into this swirling, magical, dancing light of the Northern Lights. Enjoy the vibrant, light particles as they shower you with Divine, healing, mystical rays from the Universe above. Video footage from; Audio from…
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Snowy Mountain River

Feel refreshed and energized as your mind, body, and soul experiences a swirling, bubbling, life-giving snowy mountain river. Surrender to the cleansing, rejuvenating, power of the water, as it washes across the timeless river rocks as tiny snowflakes swirl in the air. Allow your SELF to be filled with new water, new energy, new hope,…
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Peaceful Blue Lagoon

Relax and immerse your senses into the calming soft, blue water as you allow your mind, body and soul to surrender and enjoy the safety and beauty of this scenic, calm, and peaceful blue lagoon. Video footage from, audio from

Babbling Mountain River in Spring 

Let your mind, body, and soul awaken to a crisp, relaxing view of a mountain river in the Spring. You can travel to Spring at any time of the year. Open your tired senses to the sights and sounds of new life. Experience nature’s invitation to become a new you; one that is filled with…
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Radiant Full Moon

Bathe in the glow of the warm, nourishing light in our radiant full moon meditation. The flowing water surrenders to the powerful full moon as it pulls the ocean to create changing tides. You too can surrender to the mystical power of the full moon drawing you from your hectic day to a place of…
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Clouds over the Golden Gate

Relax and take in this calming aerial view of passing clouds over the iconic Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California. Feel your SELF relax and calm as you drift over the beautiful scene. Wispy clouds slowly float past under you; sometimes breaking in spots and revealing fleeting glances of the Pacific Ocean, as it…
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Crackling Fire

Immerse your senses into this warm, spellbinding crackling fire. As the flames dance inside your soul, you will begin to experience a sparked rebirth of your own fire and passion.   Video footage from, audio from 

Want to Enter a Celestial Nebula?

Surrender your mind, body, and soul as you slowly float into this radiant, exhilarating celestial nebula. A Nebula is the birth of a star, and they are called the “Pillars of Creation.” Experience your own rebirth as you immerse your SELF into the ambient, flowing, peaceful music and the magical swirls of color produced by…
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Soothing Mountain Waterfall

Relax and allow your busy thoughts and worries to flow away from your mind, body, and soul as you immerse your senses into this soothing mountain waterfall. Listen to the rush of the water as your anxieties drift away. Allow your SELF to well up within with a feeling of calmness and restored power. Video…
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Creating Your Authentic Life-Part 1

“Many people die with their music still in them.” Oliver Wendell Holmes Discover Your SELF! Every person has a purpose or a calling. These questions will help you explore your passions, values and goals to discover greater meaning and purpose in your life. When I was in grad school and in my subsequent training we…
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