
Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Cornell Bird Web Cam Highlights: Diverse Visitors Flock To Wintery Cornell Feeders

Cornell Bird Web Cam Highlights: Diverse Visitors Flock To Wintery Cornell Feeders

Check out this highlight reel featuring visits to the Cornell Campus Bird Feeder by American Goldfinches, Pine Siskins, Northern Cardinals, Black-capped Chickadees, a Downy Woodpecker, and an American Tree Sparrow. They all stop by and make an appearance at the Cornell Lab FeederWatch cam as snow falls around them in Sapsucker Woods. Where is the…
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Calming Lavender Breezes

Lavender flowers are known to represent purity, silence, devotion serenity, grace and calmness. This exquisite lavender has proven healing properties that are known to calm the mind, body, and soul.  Video by; Audio by

Cherry Blossoms at Mount Fiji

Peaceful Cherry Blossoms at Mount Fiji

These magnificent Cherry blossoms, with the spectacular, vast, Mount Fuji in the background, will clear any clutter in your mind. Relax and enjoy these spectacular cherry blossoms at the foot of Mt Fuji as you allow the sounds of nature to lull you into inner peace. Breathe in the cool breeze from this sacred mountain as…
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Calming Ocean Waves on Quiet Beach

Relax and feel the calming ocean waves on this quiet beach as they flow by. Refresh your mind, body, and soul, as you immerse your SELF into this glorious, divine, blue, heavenly water. Blue is a sacred, healing color that has the power to revitalize and heal you.  Video:; Audio:

Bee on Yellow Flower

The noble bee lives proudly because it knows the plants and flowers of the world await it’s Divine visitation. Bees fertilizes the world’s plants. Allow this bee’s alluring, mesmerizing sound to awaken the fecundity within your SELF. Video by; Audio by

A Butterfly’s Marigold

Enjoy the delicate movements of this butterfly as it explores the intricate details of a marigold. The butterfly symbolizes change, renewal, hope, endurance and transformation to a better life. This butterfly is inviting you to a place of renewal and transformation. Video by; Audio by

Field of Flowers in a Breeze

Enjoy this beautiful field of wildflowers. Watch them blow gently in the breeze, wild and free. As you inhale and exhale deeply, absorb the freedom and wildness of this wonder of nature. Remember to “be wild, be free”. Video by; Audio by

Bright Moon Over Water

Enjoy this calm serene scene of a full moon over the sea at night. Surrender to the melodic sounds of the waves soothing your soul as you slip into a relaxing, meditative state of being.   Video:;Audio:

calm water rippling over rocks

Calm Water Rippling Over Rocks

Enjoy the tranquil sound of water as it lightly ripples over the rocks at the waters edge of this pristine, crystal-clear mountain lake. Feel your SELF experience a calming, natural serenity as the water gently laps at the shore.     Video:; Audio:

crystal clear mountain lake

Crystal Clear Tranquil Mountain Lake

Enjoy the Divine stillness and rhythm of this crystal clear mountain lake as it reflects the magnificent sky above. This perfect image of clarity in nature is an invitation for you to discover your own inner clarity today. Video: Audio: