Category: Beaches

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Calming Ocean Waves on Quiet Beach

Relax and feel the calming ocean waves on this quiet beach as they flow by. Refresh your mind, body, and soul, as you immerse your SELF into this glorious, divine, blue, heavenly water. Blue is a sacred, healing color that has the power to revitalize and heal you.  Video:; Audio:

Enjoy This Gorgeous Tranquil Beach

Experience the calming, soothing ocean rhythm of this gorgeous tranquil beach as it washes away your stress, worries, and anxieties. Feel your mind and body ebb and flow as you drift closer and closer into this perfectly relaxing moment.   Video footage from; Audio from

Stunning Soothing Beach

Experience of the calming ocean rhythm of this stunning, soothing beach as it washes away your stress, worries, and anxieties. Feel your mind and body ebb and flow as you drift closer and closer into this perfectly relaxing moment. Video footage from; Audio from

Peaceful Blue Lagoon

Relax and immerse your senses into the calming soft, blue water as you allow your mind, body and soul to surrender and enjoy the safety and beauty of this scenic, calm, and peaceful blue lagoon. Video footage from, audio from

Savannah Ocean Inlet

Listen to the soft wash from the waves of the Atlantic Ocean while they calmly lap against the sand on this private Savannah ocean inlet. The seagulls’ song is inviting you to join the eternal dance and rhythm of life.