Category: Burnout

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Are You Eating a Sustainable Diet?

Were your goals this year about fitness or helping the planet? You can reach both goals by adjusting one crucial thing: your diet. According to a new study, if we all follow the national dietary guidelines it would actually help the environment. Maybe it’s time we all partake in a sustainable diet. New Sustainable Study…
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mindful work, mindful living, mindful living network, ourmln

Work Hazard: Beware of Secondhand Stress

Feeling stressed at work and not sure why? Maybe you’ve caught a co-workers stress. Indirect stress is a dangerous health hazard, especially at work. Stress pollutes offices, creating a toxic, less productive environment. When a boss or coworker is stressed they become moody and less cooperative. This affects others, creating a chain reaction. Dr. Elaine…
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almond nutritional facts

Almonds Are a Superfood

It’s the perfect time of the year to enjoy some nutritious almonds. It’s the holiday season and a great opportunity to incorporate more healthy nuts into your diet. One of your healthiest nut choices is delicious and nutritious almonds. Almonds are filled with healthy fats your body loves. They also are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.…
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Insomnia, sleep disorder, Insomnia Treatment, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Insomnia: Is it Psychological or Physiological?

Insomnia is not a disease; it’s difficult to diagnose. Over 40 million people in the U.S. have a form of sleep disorder but over 90 percent don’t even know it! It can be caused by heart disease, headaches and chronic pain, weight gain and obesity, lack of exercise, bad sleeping habits and patterns, and injuries…
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african american runners, african american heart disease, running tips, heart disease, african american runners

Run, Don’t Walk, For Your Health

The risk for heart disease is high in America, especially in the African American community. With February being American Heart Month and Black History Month, now is the time for our community to invest in heart-healthy practices like running. If you are looking for a little running inspiration, check out these Mindful running tips. The…
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4 Power Foods To Boost Your Workout

Want to make the most of your morning workouts? You need to be wary of what you do and do not eat. Eating rich, greasy foods before you exercise can lead to upset stomachs. While, on the other hand, not eating before exercising can lead to fatigue and exhaustion. What’s important is striking the right…
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The Health Benefits of Cherries

Cherry is a very popular flavor. From candy to soda to cough syrup, you can find cherry flavoring everywhere. But, how many of us actually eat fresh cherries on a daily basis? Though not as popular as maybe apples or bananas, cherries are delicious and have health benefits that may surprise you. Since February is…
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february is american heart month, heart-healthy meals, heart healthy breakfast, healthy food for your heart

Eat Right for a Healthy Heart

It’s no coincidence that February was elected as American Heart Month. This is a time for celebrating love and eating healthy food for your heart. Heart-healthy meals can keep you in shape and extend your life. Fortunately, we’ve got tips on what to eat for a healthy heart, including heart healthy breakfast items. They’re a delicious…
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The Power of Red

This month millions of people will be wearing red to promote American Heart Month. This month use the color red to promote better heart health in your life and the life of others. Many people wear red to bring awareness to the dangerous effects heart disease has on our society. The CDC reports that every…
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Love Prescription

The phrase, “Love is a drug,” has been proven true in a sense with research from Syracuse University. Oxytocin: the Cuddle Hormone According to researchers from Syracuse University, brain images of people in love resemble the brain of a person on cocaine. Love makes the brain produce several euphoric chemicals such as dopamine, adrenaline, and…
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