Change Your Breathing, Change Your Life
A positive parenting affirmation guided meditation session designed to help mothers relax and find stillness
Stress LESS through Mindful Living®
A positive parenting affirmation guided meditation session designed to help mothers relax and find stillness
A guided meditation featuring Dr Kathleen Hall to relax, restore, and renew your body and mind.
This meditation video for kids uses animations to make chakra meditation as real as possible
A guided meditation for moms with children of any age that offers a way to relax and release all of the stress and pressure from motherhood
A 18-minute guided meditation by Elena Brower to help you teach your children from a steady and abundant place
A positive parenting affirmation guided meditation session designed to help mothers relax and find stillness
Meditation for kids teaching loving-kindness meditation with no expectations of anything in return
Help teach children mindfulness by bringing their attention to body sensations, breathing, and their emotions
Looking for a sense of balance? Learn how to tune in to the areas of life where you need self-care and attention
Regain some peace of mind, cultivate patience and relieve motherly stresses