Category: Mindful Application Home

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Get Great Fitness Apps Today

Fitness Apps Help Your Physical and Mental Health The pandemic is keeping most of us sequestered in our homes these days. We all need to exercise our minds and bodies. Exercise gives you resilience to help fight off disease by boosting your immune system. Exercising stimulates your body’s natural stress defenses, helping your body produce…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Technology, Technology, increase your brain power, brain games app, how to increase brain power, train your brain

Apps to Help Increase Your Brain Power

Eating the right foods and participating in playful activities have been proven to increase your brain power. Now there are many apps (for cell phones and tablets) that can do the same. Our brain’s grey matter is like an information center where the computation of hearing, seeing, and speech resides. White matter’s like a series of…
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Apps That Reduce Stress

Have you been feeling stressed lately? The solution may be found on your smartphone. Fifty-six percent of Americans have smartphones and upwards to 300 apps are created every day, so there are tons of apps that reduce stress when you are looking for stress relief. Stress App Suggestions Listed below are some Mindful stress app suggestions…
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Mindful Applications to Improve Your Health

Nowadays, cell phones can be so much more than just devices for contacting people. With a smartphone you can organize your finances, plan your next shopping trip, help your garden, and now, improve your health. Now there are also health mobile apps to keep track of your health. Health mobile apps are on the rise.…
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