Category: Mindful Exercise HOME

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Delay Aging with Strength Training

You’re never too old for strength training, and now it appears that working out actually can address the changes of aging, at least in muscle cells. Researchers at Canada’s McMaster University published a report on how exercise reverses the aging of human skeletal muscles. The researchers from the study recruited a group of 51 men…
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Yoga To Unwind For Better Sleep

This is a 15 minute gentle yoga to unwind and for better sleep. This yoga class is perfect to help you unwind, release tension, calm the mind, and offer the body some restorative movements. These movements are perfect for endorphin release,  blood flow and as a result, better sleep. So if you suffer from insomnia,…
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jump rope, benefits of jumping rope, jump rope workout

Jumping Rope Stops Stress

When was the last time you jumped rope? It is portable, inexpensive, and a great exercise that reduces stress while giving you a great workout that burns tons of calories. You can jump rope alone but it is also a great fun, family activity. For instance, here are jump rope workout games and activities for kids…
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10 Minute Morning Bed Yoga For Beginners

This is a 10 minute morning bed yoga class. Yes, you can do right in bed! Bed yoga is not only convenient but pretty motivating on those days where you find it hard to hop out. For example getting a good yoga stretch in before jumping out of bed helps to wake up the body…
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Enjoy Outdoor Yoga

Do you need help releasing stress? Ecotherapy and exercise cannot only relieve stress—it can also boost your mental health and decrease levels of depression. Combine Eco-therapy with exercise and get an extra large dose of stress relief when you practice outdoor yoga. Yoga is a very popular pastime in the United States. And with incredible…
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5 Tips for a Meditative Morning Run

Do you have a busy morning routine? Most people do, and unfortunately, they may have to choose between making time for morning exercises or meditations. But, there is a solution. By taking up running, men and women can get a cardio workout while they meditate. Most people take up running for health reasons. Running burns…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Kathleen Hall, Ask Dr. Kathleen, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Way I See It, The Stress Institute,, OurMLN, MLN, Alter Your Life, Altar Your Life, Mindful Living Everyday, Mindful Moments,

Find Healing in the Wild

If you are feeling stressed or otherwise struggling with your mental health, enjoying the great outdoors for a little eco-therapy can make all the difference. If you find you need something more challenging, consider wilderness therapy programs. You will be able to heal while adventuring in the great outdoors. Spending time outside can do powerful…
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Cool Fitness Classes That’ll Make You Love Exercising

For many of us, exercise is a chore we have to do for our well-being, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Unique fitness classes could have you looking forward to your evening workout. It’s also a great learning opportunity and a chance for you to push yourself out of your comfort zone. So,…
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3 Indoor Workouts for Rainy Days

Have you ever woken up early for your morning run only to realize that’s it raining outside? Whether it’s simply drizzling or raining cats and dogs, most people get discouraged and head back to bed. It’s very tempting, but don’t take the easy way out! Get out of bed and get moving with an indoor…
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4 Power Foods To Boost Your Workout

Want to make the most of your morning workouts? You need to be wary of what you do and do not eat. Eating rich, greasy foods before you exercise can lead to upset stomachs. While, on the other hand, not eating before exercising can lead to fatigue and exhaustion. What’s important is striking the right…
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