Category: Mindful Health Home

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Is Your Job Killing You?

Many workers these days are literally working themselves to death. Whether they are trying to advance in their jobs or workaholics they are destroying their mental and physical health. Are you experiencing any of these behaviors? Working more than 50 hours a week Living off energy drinks and caffeine Worrying about work day and night…
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Lookout For Zika

The Zika epidemic has been growing since 2007, and today, there are over 60 countries and territories in North America, South America and Oceania and Pacific Islands that are affected. There is no vaccine or specific medicine for this mosquito-spread virus. And while the symptoms are usually mild, the risks for the next generation could…
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Cupping: An Olympian’s Secret?

The purple signature spots of cupping marked Michael Phelps’ body as he competed in Rio Olympics and this has sparked renewed interest in an ancient form of therapy known as cupping. This alternative medical practice is a unique technique used for treating everyday elements. What is Cupping Therapy? Cupping goes back centuries—it’s a part of…
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Stress Leads to Migraines

Have you been suffering from migraines recently? Reducing your stress could be the cure. People with migraines experience a throbbing sensation in their head. The pain ranges from moderate to severe. Migraines impact millions of Americans every day. Twelve percent of the U.S. population gets migraines—that’s 38 million Americans. Migraines are caused by a range…
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Protect Your Aging Eyes

The month of August brings awareness to an important part of the body that often gets overlooked—the eyes. It’s National Eye Exam Month, a time in which millions of Americans are encouraged to get their vision checked. With older Americans being particularly vulnerable to vision impairments and eye diseases, it’s important that we all get…
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Breathing Easy at Oxygen Bars?

Taking deep breaths and filling the body with oxygen positively impacts our heart and brain, as well as reduces stress. It is because of these health benefits that entrepreneurs started oxygen bar craze not so long ago. These facilities where customers pay to breathe pure oxygen through masks became very popular in many urban cities.…
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Embrace Aging

Many people, young and old, have negative stereotypes about aging, and a new study suggests that this may have a bigger impact on our senior citizens than we originally thought. In a University of Toronto study, researchers studied 301 older adults (from 56 to 96 years old). The participants took tests to analyze their hearing…
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Anger-control therapy, anger

Anger Slows the Healing Process

The adage that laughter is the best medicine has been backed by an unusual investigation which says that people who seethe with anger take longer to recover from injury. Previous studies have linked ill-tempered behavior, whether brow-beating or road rage, with higher incidence of coronary heart disease, hypertension, and stroke, especially among men. But the…
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Surprising Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

Do you have a forgotten bottle of apple cider vinegar in the back of your pantry or fridge? Well, now is the perfect occasion to dig it out. Turns out that apple cider vinegar, commonly used in homemade salad dressings and marinades, has some surprisingly helpful uses—from improving your health to cleaning your home. With…
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stress in pregnancy, pregnancy diary, pregnancy journal, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

3 Mindful Tips for Creating a Pregnancy Journal

Pregnancy can be a stressful, but wonderful experience. And with the right mindful approach, like pregnancy journaling, you can minimize your stress in order to truly enjoy the arrival of your baby.  Stress in Pregnancy According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are nearly four million births in the U.S. every year,…
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