Category: Mindful Living® Home

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Dance Your Stress Away

When your workout routine is exciting you are more likely to keep up your exercise regimen. This is why dancing is the perfect Mindful tip for bettering your health. There are numerous health benefits of dancing. Dancing helps you loose weight and it builds up your upper body strength. It gets your blood pumping, which…
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Live A More Honest Life

When we have lived or are living a life of dishonesty either consciously or unconsciously, we need lots of support. It’s sometimes hard to gain the courage to finally tell the truth and as a result live a more honest life.  The more times a person continues to tell the truth, live the truth, and…
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Stress Tips for Introverts or Extroverts

Stress Tips for Introverts and Extroverts We all deal with stress differently and this is partially because of our different personality traits. People usually fall into one of two categories: introvert or extrovert, and fortunately, there are plenty of specialized stress tips for introverts or stress tips for extroverts. Are you an introvert or extrovert?…
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Reconnect with Mother Nature, The Way I See It

Reconnect with Mother Nature

We have spent the month of January supplying you with tons of information to help you create a happier, healthier, mindful new year. I want to end the month with a really simple, life-changing New Year’s resolution that is simple, has no cost and contains untold mental and physical health benefits.  Answer your call to…
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4 Recycling Projects To Try

It’s National Recycling Month—the perfect time to rethink our waste. With a little ingenuity, plastic bottles and cardboard boxes can easily be “upcycled” and turned into something completely different. This weekend, transform former waste into useful accessories for your home and wardrobe with these recycling projects. 4 Recycling Projects You’ve Got to Try Design a…
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Aromatherapy 101

Humans have used aromatherapy practices since ancient times, for medicinal healing and worship rituals. Our ancestors knew aromas had a great effect upon the body, mind, and soul. With the right tips, you can take a lesson from their example and use difference scents to positively impact your life. Today, more and more research confirms…
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Medicine Cabinet Must-Haves

It’s time to give your medicine cabinet a Spring check-up. Make sure you have the tools to treat many minor illnesses and minor injuries such as headaches, coughs, minor cuts, fevers, itching, and allergic reactions. It’s nice to have everything you might need for a minor emergency to avoid having to rush to your local…
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Tired of Procrastinating?

Why Do We Procrastinate? Feeling Overwhelmed. When we feel overwhelmed with too much work we feel paralyzed and overloaded. When you see a new thing to do you just get flooded. Lack of Relevance. The project doesn’t have any real importance or relevancy to you so you are reluctant to put time into it or…
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Hello Sunshine

Are you tired of the gloomy days, short days with little sunlight, heavy thick clothes, and being sequestered in your home. Don’t worry those days are over, its time to say hello sunshine and breathe the spring in the air!  It is time to open the windows, shed our heavy winter clothes and get outside.…
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The Surprising Benefits of Ecotherapy

It’s almost Spring and Mother Nature is beckoning you to get outside and join her majesty today. With good reason too, because there are many surprising benefits of Eco-therapy. Eco-therapy is about getting outdoors and becoming active in a natural environment to boost mental and physical health. Studies reported decreased levels of depression after a…
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