Category: Obesity/Weight Issues

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

5 Tips for a Meditative Morning Run

Do you have a busy morning routine? Most people do, and unfortunately, they may have to choose between making time for morning exercises or meditations. But, there is a solution. By taking up running, men and women can get a cardio workout while they meditate. Most people take up running for health reasons. Running burns…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life

Inner Spring Cleansing

A little Spring Cleaning on the inside can change your life! One of the easiest ways to live mindfully and overcome your stress is to do some inner spring cleansing. Just remember the acronym S-P-R-I-N-G S=Serenity Rid your mind of pesky inner cob webs! The opposite of stress is serenity. Your body experiences the relaxation…
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The Surprising Benefits of Ecotherapy

It’s almost Spring and Mother Nature is beckoning you to get outside and join her majesty today. With good reason too, because there are many surprising benefits of Eco-therapy. Eco-therapy is about getting outdoors and becoming active in a natural environment to boost mental and physical health. Studies reported decreased levels of depression after a…
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fun at work day, fun at work, work

Laugh Therapy for Stress Management

Have you seen a funny movie lately or watched a hilarious YouTube clip? If not, be sure to put that on the top of your to-do list. Studies show that laughter therapy is healthy. Laughter is the Best Medicine Laughter is a full body experience. Fifteen facial muscles contract during laughter. Your respiratory system (lungs,…
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Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful Work, Work

Your Office is a Germ Trap

Germs thrive in our offices due to our shared spaces and poor cleaning techniques. Commit to positively changing your work environment by taking Mindful health steps to avoid office germ illnesses. Ninety-eight percent of workers are affected by minor illness each year and many of them come in contact with these germs at work. At…
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broccoli, soup, leafy green

Heart-Healthy Broccoli Soup

American Heart Month is a time in which we must be mindful of our heart health and what better way to spread awareness than by making a delicious, heart-healthy meal for your loved ones? One yummy meal you’ll be thrilled to try is this broccoli, spinach, and kale soup recipe. Eat More Heart-Healthy Foods Heart…
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Lower Blood Pressure Naturally, How to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally, high blood pressure, protect your heart, food for hypertension

Protect Your Heart from High Blood Pressure

A wrinkle on your skin or a wrinkle on your heart, it’s the same process. As your arteries age, they wrinkle. “High blood pressure is the leading cause of your arteries getting old,” says Dr. Michael Roizen, Institute Chair of the Wellness Institute at the Cleveland Clinic. Dr. Roizen is the author of the best-selling…
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Making Friends at Any Age

If you’re moving or starting a different job, making new friends should be on your to-do list. Companionship will not only bring you happiness, but it can also help you adapt to new environments. Unfortunately, with careers and families, building new friendships gets harder with age. Yet, there’s still hope. Here are some Mindful tips…
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5 Natural Cold Remedies

Are you suffering from a cold? Are you looking for home remedies for cold symptoms? Whether you need meal ideas or a way to soothe your throat, you can find a solution listed below on our natural cold remedies. Comforting Soups Tomato soup and chicken noodle soup are common meals for people with colds. But, they…
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unhealthy heart, stress and heart problems, stress and the heart, heart health, heart problems, Mindful Living Network, Mindful Living, Dr. Kathleen Hall, The Stress Institute,, MLN, Alter Your Life, Mindful, Mindful Health, Health

Stress Leads to an Unhealthy Heart

Cleveland Clinic research shows that unmanaged stress can lead to heart problems like high blood pressure, irregular heart rhythms, artery damage, high cholesterol levels, and a weakened immune system. Unmanaged stress can also lead to increased risk of heart disease and stroke. So, it’s important to manage your stress in order to reduce your risk of…
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