Category: Stress Institute®

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Embrace Aging

Many people, young and old, have negative stereotypes about aging, and a new study suggests that this may have a bigger impact on our senior citizens than we originally thought. In a University of Toronto study, researchers studied 301 older adults (from 56 to 96 years old). The participants took tests to analyze their hearing…
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Stress Reduction

Research tells us the following practices create health in our mind-body connection and help with stress reduction. Breathe This is the foundation to de-stress and heal. We usually take shallow breaths, especially when they are stressed or ill. This starves the body and brain of oxygen which directly affects our immune system and our cardiopulmonary system. When…
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Effects of Stress

Health Effects of Stress Stress is a natural and essential part of life. Our stress response is designed to protect and preserve our lives. Our bodies are constantly responding to positive and negative stress. Positive stress motivates and drives us. Negative stress affects our physical and mental health and can rob us from experiencing real happiness. If you…
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Handling a National Tragedy on a Personal Level

Friday’s killing spree caused many people in the nation new levels of shock. Anger, sadness, resentment, pain, and grief are the emotional aftermath for everyone involved in the shooting of Sandy Hook Elementary School. This shooting massacre is second only to the 2007 Virginia Tech campus event where a lone gunman took over 30 lives. People…
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