Category: Water

Stress LESS through Mindful Living®

Rejuvenating Mountain Waterfall

Relax and let your busy thoughts and worries flow away from your mind, body, and soul as your senses immerse in this rejuvenating mountain waterfall. Listen to the rush of the water as your anxieties flow away. Allow your SELF to well up within with a feeling of calmness and restored power.   Video from…
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Cleansing Soft Rain

Experience the healing, meditative, and calming sounds of Nature’s cleansing soft rain as you watch it softly drop on leaves on this close up view of branches in a forest. As the gentle, nourishing rain falls, you can faintly hear the low rumbles of faraway thunder. Surrender into the peaceful, cadence of the raindrops that…
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Beautiful Summer Marsh

Enjoy the stillness and majestic beauty of this beautiful summer marsh as you immerse your senses into a calm and soothing wetland. This marsh is bursting with abundant, bright yellow marsh flowers, brilliant green reeds, and the sounds of trickling water, chirping birds, punctuated with frogs singing with pure joy.   Audio and video from…
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Rainbow Blessing

Enjoy this rainbow blessing as it glows over life-giving water. Know that this same auspicious rainbow is beaming softly in your own heart leading you into new opportunities and pure joy.   Video footage from; Audio from

Savannah Ocean Inlet

Listen to the soft wash from the waves of the Atlantic Ocean while they calmly lap against the sand on this private Savannah ocean inlet. The seagulls’ song is inviting you to join the eternal dance and rhythm of life.