Rescued Chihuahua and Donkey Become Best Friends

This animal friendship transcends species and gives a new meaning to the term the “Odd Couple”. When you see the bond between this miniature donkey and little chihuahua, you will fall in love. Both were rescued and brought to an animal sanctuary in Texas called Pair A Dice Ranch, a private animal sanctuary located in Southeast Texas.
Lily the donkey and Yoda the chihuahua became best buds right away.

Rescued Chihuahua and Donkey Become Best Friends
Lily was rescued as a baby, but felt alone on the farm. Yoda the chihuahua began tucking Lily into bed every night to make her feel better. It certainly worked! On this video from The DoDo, watch how Yoda decides to ride Lily and protect her from all the other animals. (However, an exception was made when she developed a crush on another donkey.)
This unusual friendship is a lesson in itself. We can all learn something from Yoda the chihuahua. We don’t need to look the same, or come from the same background to make a great team or be great friends. Want to see even more? Keep keep up with Lily and Yoda’s adorable friendship here. Check out more Mindful Animal stories in this section.