Create Your Own Altar

We live in a very busy world that sometimes feels devoid of meaning or a sense of the sacred spirituality. Altars help you remember what is most important in your life. An altar is a destination that calls you to stop, focus, listen, meditate, or pray. Listed below are a few tips to help you create your own altar.
4 DIY Altar Tips
- Who do you want to honor? Your focus can be a sick friend or relative who needs help healing and recovering. Your altar can also be for an animal or a deceased relative.
- Find a spot. Altars can be out in the open or in a wooden box. It can be as hidden or revealed as you want it. Mindful Living Market has many meaningful boxes for you to consider as you create your own altar.
- Meaningful objects. Decorate your altar with a photo of your friend/relative, a flower in a vase, and a prayer or inspirational saying in a frame. If you are religious, take a symbol of that religion and put it next to your altar. It could be a book of sacred scripture, inspirational sayings, or maybe some special prayer beads on a beautiful piece of cloth. The most important thing about the altar is that your reverence and consideration is shown through the creation of an altar.
- Reflection. Take a few minutes each day to reflect and meditate in front of your altar. When you are done honoring the focus of your altar you may break the altar down and use your sacred objects for other purposes.
Enjoy this rich sacred experience. Be creative and construct your meaningful space in your life.