Get Over the Empty Nester Feelings

It’s the time of year where the kids headed off to college. You might be the parents of children that got married or moved away for new and exciting opportunities. Perhaps you are now left with an empty house and a heavy heart don’t suffer from empty nester feelings!
Here are some tips to get over the empty nester feelings:
Proactive not Reactive to your new life (Opportunity for you to experience a sense of power and control in your life)
Face life straight on and don’t avoid the pain, the confusion, and change.
Abandon the loneliness (Opportunity to develop your SELF)
The children are gone, and it is just the two of you. You are not used to cooking for two, and the telephone is quiet and the house is silent. It is important to have an animal in your home, play music in the background in your home, be creative. Make a date with your husband once a week to get out of the house. Schedule to take a class you have always wanted to take. Take a long bath and read the books you have been putting off for so long. Make sure you have a group of friends to support you in this transformation of your life.
Crisis or Rebirth (Opportunity for SELF EXAMINATION)
This can become a crisis or it can be a glorious time of rebirth. Make an honest assessment of your life. Look at your body and your health. How is your weight? Are you exercising regularly? You need to be exercising 5 times a week for 30 minutes. Check out local places to exercise. Try something new, like Pilates, Chi gong, Yoga. In a class you will meet other interesting people. What about your spirituality? Have you been interested in another religion or spirituality but never had time to pursue it? Have you had personal issues you want to address but didn’t have the time? Get a therapist and enjoy the personal growth. Many of us have been child, spouse, parent, and have never had time for our SELF and nurturing our self. This is a time of adventure, discovery and creativity.
Your Marriage/Partnership (Opportunity to create a new, exciting marriage)
Many marriages are frail or fractured at empty nest. Plan a vacation to where you have always wanted to go together. What new roles can you create in your home? Maybe one of you wants to cook, clean or wash clothes, or share more of the home chores. Learn what each of you like and dislike; movies, food, programs, vacation spots, sports, spirituality and religion. You may guidance of a marriage counselor for this new relationship. Get to know each other all over again.
Create a Plan (Opportunity to begin an exciting plan for the rest of your life)
How long do you both want to work? Do you want to go back to school or begin the new career you’ve dreamed of? Where do you want to move in retirement? Where do you want to travel? What will your financial needs be for both of you?
Don’t forget to have fun (Opportunity with no children in the house you can play again)
Take a shower together with your partner or spouse; watch movies on the couch in sexy clothes and see what happens! Wear little clothing around the house and see what happens! Sex can be the best ever during the empty nest.